Sit Down!

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Jessica: *jumping on the couch* Whee!

Carla: Sit down, Jessica!

Jessica: *still jumping on the couch*

Carla: Sit down, or I'm telling Aunt Ruby!

Jessica: *still jumping on the couch*

Carla: You act so hardheaded! Aunt Ruby!

Aunt Ruby: What's going on here? *sees Jessica jumping up and down on the couch* Jessica, sit yo butt down, before I whoop you! We don't jump on the couch around here! You know better!

Jessica: *stops jumping on the couch* You tattletale!

Carla: Shut up!

Aunt Ruby: Don't you tell her to shut up!

Carla: She was being annoying, Aunt Ruby! You should whoop her!

Aunt Ruby: I'll whoop her, if I see jumping on the couch again! I ain't got time to be playing with her!

This story was written on Sunday, December 22nd, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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