Writer's Block Gets Coal For Christmas!!!!!!

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Christmas Morning

Writer's Block: *wakes up* It's Christmas!!! Whoo hoo! *goes downstairs to the Christmas tree* I'm so excited for my Nintendo Switch!! *opens one present* What the?? Coal? Okay, this should be the Nintendo Switch! *opens his other present and it's more coal* Oh, come on! Saving the best for last, eh? *opens his other presents and more coal* WHERE IS MY NINTENDO SWITCH?!!!!!

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: Merry Christmas, to you too! The coal was from me!

arikay12: And me!

violaplayer2004: And me!

gmwells: And me! You didn't get a Nintendo Switch, buddy! Sorry!

Writer's Block: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! MY CHRISTMAS IS RUINED!!!!!!!

arikay12: Dude, calm down!

violaplayer2004: Told you it was too expensive. Coal was cheaper! Got it from West Virginia!

Writer's Block: Wait, that's the reason why you made that quick trip to West Virginia! To get me some coal?!

violaplayer2004: Yes, sir! It only cost 3 bucks! Sweet deal, if you ask me! *winks*

Writer's Block: I simply asked for a Nintendo Switch! That's what I wanted for Christmas! *voice cracks* I hate you guys.

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: Aw, you're gonna start crying now? *mocking WB*

Writer's Block: *crying hysterically*

arikay12: Jeez! Crying all because he didn't get what he wanted for Christmas! At least, enjoy your coal!

Writer's Block: *still crying hysterically* I HATE YOU GUYS!!!!!

gmwells: Aw, we love you too, WB! Merry Christmas!

This story was written on Wednesday, December 25th, 2019. (Christmas Day)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Merry Christmas, peeps! Love you all!  ❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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