A Dominos Gift Card

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Heda_Beau_06: *gives me a Dominos gift card* Merry Christmas, buddy!

Me: Wow, thank you, buddy!

Heda_Beau_06: Don't mention it!

Writer's Block: Do I get a Dominos gift card?

Heda_Beau_06: No!

Writer's Block: I feel so left out. I don't want coal for Christmas. I want my Nintendo Switch.

Me: You may not get it, WB! It's too expensive!

Writer's Block: *whines* No! Don't ruin it for me!

Pinkgold16: Is that all you care about? A Nintendo Switch? Christmas is all about being kind to one another! Lots of good food to eat, and being with family! And you're worried about not getting a Nintendo Switch? How selfish can you get? I mean, really!

Writer's Block: I just want to be happy on Christmas morning!

violaplayer2004: As I said, before, wait and see!

Writer's Block: I can't wait that long!

Waiting Is The Hardest Part starts playing.

This story was written on Sunday, December 15th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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