Jeffrey Doesn't Want To See A Movie With People Born In 1979

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gmwells: Jeffrey, come on, we're gonna watch a movie!

Jeffrey: What kind of movie?

Me: Central Intelligence. It stars The Rock and.... *gets interrupted by Jeffrey*

Jeffrey: Good idea! Let's watch it!

Natasha: Jeffrey, don't interrupt!

Jeffrey: Sorry!

violaplayer2004: *puts the DVD in*

The movie is now starting....

Jeffrey: *sees a familiar face* Wait a minute. *squints* Is that who I think it is?

Me: That's Kevin Hart, WB. He starred in this movie with the Rock.

Jeffrey: No way! Uh uh! I'm out!

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: Jeffrey, where you going?

Jeffrey: I'm not seeing a movie with anyone that was born in 1979! No way! Count me out!

Natasha: Jeffrey, I swear to dog.....

Jeffrey: Let's see another movie!

gmwells: Dude, you got issues!

Jeffrey: Let's do something else!

violaplayer2004: Like what?

Jeffrey: Sing, I guess.

violaplayer2004: Sure! I'll whistle the Michael Jackson song, Don't Stop Till You Get Enough! *whistles the song*

Jeffrey: Good song!

Natasha: Came out in the 70s.

Jeffrey: Um, what year? 1974?

Natasha: Nope. *smirking*

Jeffrey: Um, 1977?

Natasha: Getting warmer! *still smirking*

Jeffrey: I got it! *snaps his finger* 1978!!!

Natasha: Nope! It's the last year of the 70s decade!  *still smirking*

Jeffrey: *gulps* 1979? *looks scared*

Natasha: Mm hmm! *nods*

Jeffrey: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NOT 1979!!!!!!!

All Of Us: *laughing at Jeffrey*

Jeffrey: Can we at least watch something on television? Like a tv show?

gmwells: Sure, The Ghost Whisperer is on!

Jeffrey: Okay, let's watch that!

Natasha: *whispers* It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, and she was born in 1979*

gmwells: *giggles*

Me: *changes the channel to The Ghost Whisperer which is on Bravo*

Jeffrey: That lady looks familiar. That can't be......

Natasha: Jennifer Love Hewitt. She's the main character of this show. She was born in 1979.

Jeffrey: NOOOO!!!!!! *loses his mind*

gmwells: The dude has finally lost it! He's flipped! *whistles the 1979 song What A Fool Believes by the Doobie Brothers*

Jeffrey: STOP IT!!!!!!

All Of Us: *whistling along*

Jeffrey: *acting wild and losing his mind*

This story was written on Tuesday, December 31st, 2019. (New Year's Eve)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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