Roasting Someone At McDonald's

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At Wendy's......

Emma: *working the fryer*

Customer: Can I have two Baconators, fries, spicy chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce, and a large vanilla milkshake, please?

Employee: Sure!

Manager: Emma, you can take your break, now. You have 15 minutes. Dave will take over for the fryer.

Emma: Okay, boss. *leaves Wendy's and heads to McDonald's*

At McDonald's.......

Sally: *giving Quarter Pounders to a customer* Have a nice day.

Customer: You too.

Emma: Sally! What a pleasant surprise!

Sally: Huh?

Emma: Attention, everyone! Sally dated a lot of guys, that she can't stay in a relationship!

Everyone: Ooh!

Sally: *feels embarrassed*

Emma: She will never get married! I bet Kevin Hart wouldn't date her!

Everyone: *bursts out laughing*

Sally: Stop this!

Emma: Sally, you're gonna be alone, for the rest of your life! I'm sorry, honey, but no guy would ever date or marry you!

Everyone: *laughing*

Sally: *starts to cry*

Emma: Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Talk to Dr. Phil about it!

Everyone: *laughing hysterically*

Woman: Zing! *drinks her milkshake*

Emma: I bid you good day, folks! Enjoy your food! *leaves McDonald's to a round of applause*

Sally: *sobbing*

Manager: Stop crying, and get back to work!

This story was written on Tuesday, December 24th, 2019.

A/N This story idea was requested by SakuraThePanzerOtaku. Thanks for the idea, but this story made me hungry! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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