Writer's Block Drinks Grapefruit Juice

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Writer's Block: I'm thirsty! I'll have some grapefruit juice!

violaplayer2004: Help yourself! *reading a book*

Writer's Block: *pours some grapefruit juice into a cup and drinks it* Not bad. I...... *lips start to pucker* This is too sour!

violaplayer2004: Grapefruit juice is supposed to be sour, idiot!

Writer's Block: I'm not drinking this! *pours the juice into the sink*

violaplayer2004: You never drank grapefruit juice, before?

Writer's Block: No! Why didn't you tell me, it had a sour taste?

violaplayer2004: I didn't have to. I'm gonna go to the grocery store, and get some more grapefruit juice, and you're gonna drink it, whether you like it or not!

Writer's Block: No!

This story was written on Saturday, December 28th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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