Bad Girl Sneaking Out At 2 Am

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Julia: *sneaking out of the house* I think I'll go to the park.

Mother: *wakes up to use the bathroom* Julia? Julia?

Julia: *arrives at the park* At least it's mild! *sits down on the bench* I have the whole park to myself, while everyone else is at home, asleep! This is so sweet! This is what being a teenage girl is all about!

Mother: Honey, wake up!

Father: Huh, what? *wakes up*

Mother: Julia's not here!

Father: What do you mean?

Mother: She snuck out of the house!

Father: What?! Oh, she's gonna be in big trouble! She has school in the morning!

Julia: This is the life! *gets a text message from her mother* Uh oh....


Julia: I'm so busted....

To be continued....

This story was written on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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