Writer's Block Needs To Pay Better Attention To What He Does

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Jenny: Come on, WB! Crack those eggs!

Writer's Block: *cracks 2 eggs and avoids getting the shells into the cake mix*

Jenny: Turn the whisk on!

Writer's Block: *turns on the whisk and mixes everything*

Jenny: *watches WB*

Writer's Block: *checks his phone and the mix splatters all over*

Jenny: WB, watch what you're doing!

Writer's Block: Oops!

Jenny: You idiot!! You ruined everything!!! *slaps WB hard* From now on, let me do the prep!

Writer's Block: I'm sorry. *voice cracking*

Jenny: Don't you even think about crying! Suck it up!

Writer's Block: *fights back tears*

Jenny: It's your fault, for not paying attention!

Writer's Block: I said, I was sorry.

Jenny: Shut up! Clean up the mess you made!

Writer's Block: *cleans up everything*

This story was written on Monday, December 9th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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