Rehearsing For The Christmas Concert At School

17 7 5

Cromwell High School

Cromwell, Connecticut


Mr. Stern: Come on, everyone! We need to stay focused! The concert is next Thursday! I need everyone's attention, please!

Students: *talking*

Mr. Stern: SHUT UP!!!!!

Students: *stops talking*

Mr. Stern: Now, that I have your attention, please sing Silver Bells!

Emily: Can't we just sing Winter Wonderland?

Mr. Stern: We're singing Silver Bells, Emily.

Anthony: Yeah, you lose!

Emily: Shut up, Anthony!

Anthony: No, you shut up!

Mr. Stern: Knock it off! You two, can go to the office, if you want to keep bickering! Your choice!

Emily: Whatever.

Anthony: Fine.

Mr. Stern: Okay, now sing!

Chorus: *singing Silver Bells*

Mr. Stern: *playing the piano*

This story was written on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019.

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