That's Ridiculous Jessica!

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Jessica: Wattpad is for girls, only!

Capri5211: That's not true!

Jessica: Wattpad is a girl's thing!

Me: No, it's not!

Jessica: You need to go! You don't belong here!

MaryKLago: Wattpad is for everyone! Doesn't matter what gender!

Jessica: Girls rule, boys drool! Girl power!

gmwells: That saying is so stupid! And sexist!

The-Man-with-No-Name: Doesn't matter what gender you are, Wattpad is for everyone!

Baeliyyah: That's right!

Jessica: We need to start a revolution! Get rid of all the guys!

livykittykat: There isn't gonna be a revolution, Jessica! Shut up with your nonsense!

Jessica: Make me!

violaplayer2004: *shoves an onion in Jessica's mouth* That'll shut you up! Sexist pig!

This story was written on Monday, December 9th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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