Chapter 1

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In book 1:

I met a power ranger in the park and fought with him against krybots, the day after that I fought an evil alien? I don't know what the thing was though! Doggie Cruger heard me sing for the first time as I never sing in front of people, but now I do! I fought my fucking dad.

I fell in love but I wasn't sure if it was love... I stood up to Jack and his shitty plan to save my friends from my dad inside of the base. My dad faked being Kat Manx, that was funny but I mean if he didn't stutter or give himself away I would have believed it was Kat!
Manx and I pranks the team and pretended we never. I bit Kat on her hand.
I definitely fell in love. I took the shadow sabre. Kat made me show my wolf features... I had to teleport Cruger, for reasons, into his quad bike bay. I had a panic attack and got over it slowly. I put together the dragon tiles with a hand and a wrist!

I semi-yelled at Kat and Syd for singing Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story at a stupid time. I become stone for a good reason... I had a sing off against Cruger, I won 'Cause I'm a master at singing! Rangers and Elements became couples, except me and Cruger... I wonder if we'll ever get together... Me and my team get replaced by fakes and my team (elements!) get sent to the moon!!

When they returned they spoke the same sentence, that pissed me off so much then we went to the elemental planet Earth, a month later I returned with pink hair. The rangers was clueless Til my squad came and dragged us back, oh the good times..
Syd and Bridge got engaged, I planned the wedding, we went to Lexi's to get the wedding dress sorted out while helping with Bridge and his impossible choosing colours! God that was annoying, this is why I told Syd to either find a picture and print it out or draw a dress that she wants up!
Then I was forgotten about, my love didn't even go to our room to sleep, or to find me!

Book 2:

Z and Sky got married and had 2 children (Skylar and Jake), Bridge and Syd have a child called Eliza.
I went to Lexi's House to get my hair redyed even though I can do it myself. The elements spilt up for a normal life but kinda got back together later on. I asked Cruger out with a drawing and he said yes.
Read book two for more
A week later
I sit on my chair in the control room with a control planel from my Zord, as I'm fixing it so nobody questions where I went like that one time
"there you are Amy" Kat says out of breathe
"I wasn't lost,"
"true, anyways the Cadets need something new for training, they've finished the hardest course we have in 5 minutes flat," Kat tells me
"why did you only just say?" I question getting out of my chair and teleporting the control panel to where its needed
I walk over to Kat and teleport us to the Cadets who are doing push-up instructed by Cruger
"on your feet" I call, I watch as the Cadets scramble into their feet
"do you have something else for us to do?" Sky asks
"correct, and it's old elementian that I used to do when I was 4 until 14 and a half," I tell them
"is it that one?" Kat asks knowing what I mean so I nod
"okay so what you have to do is, 10 push-ups, 10 star jumps and that's just a warm up," Kat says
"then you have to climb over an ice cliff, over a plank with fiercely strong waves crashing over then you run around the trees as it your on fire, before doing the leap of faith and there's thick mud you fall in if you fail to make it before ending it with a nice zip line above fire," I say with a smile
"what is Kat's best and worse time compared to yours?" Z asks
"Well I started long after Amelia, my worst was 1 hour and 50 minutes, my best was 10 minutes," Kat says
"yeah cause you threw a tantrum, anyways my best was 5 minutes and my worse was 55 minutes, mainly cause I was scared of heights so they had to help me across that part," I mutter as I click my fingers creating this course
They stare in surprise as this new information they got
"NOW GET ON WITH YOUR TRAINING" I shout, hands on my hips
"this will be interesting" Cruger says walking over
Kat nods for her response and I just hum and lean on Doggie
"wait, are you two back together?" Kat asks
"congratulations Katherine, nobody else even knows," I respond
"maybe cuz I want them to know when I'm ready for them to know," I tell her
"yep, so your not allowed to tell a single person, that you know is allowed to find out for know and if you tell anyone then your sister here will be quite mad," Cruger growls as you hear splashing from the mud and Syd grossed out causes me to snicker
"Commander, come and have a go at this" Syd says
I nod and drag Kat with me "if I'm doing it so are you" I hiss
We don't bother with the warm up like usual and we sprint up the ice, successfully, Kat runs accros the plank while I time it well therefore I don't get drenched from the water like Kat did however she didn't fall down, we the run around trees like we were on fire before climbing up to the leap of faith, Kat runs and jumps hoping for the best and she just makes it, I back up fully and spint off and leap over Kat and land on the top of the zip line and slide down and backflips over Z and finish "that's how to do it," Kat says landing by me soon after

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