Chapter 14

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I land on Elementia and walk out just to get blinded by the sun 'fucking hell that's bright' I think to myself as I teleport my sunglasses to me and put them on. I walk in front of the jet to see my elemental team also wearing shades
"why are we here?" Helen asks
"to get to the Destroyer before Grumm, it's real and it's somewhere here, I need you guys to look for a huge metal box, if you see it open it, there should be a robot in it, if you see it quickly shut the box and connect me" I say
They nod and run different directions, Lisa taps me
"yes Lisa?" I ask
"how did you know it was me?" she asks
I shrug and hand her a note which she takes and reads it, the others join us
"it'd take too long to walk" Kat says
I nod "don't follow me" I growl before walking back into the jet and pressing a button causing the jet to hover 8 inches above the ground, then the underneath opens up and the quad bike, 2 motorbikes and two S.P.D car drops out. I walk onto the platform and lean out "I'm gonna fly this, follow me, okay?" I call
I get a thumbs up from Lisa and they get in or on the vehicles ready to follow, I head back in and sit down and fly directly straight again towards the village. I land in front of the castle and jump out, I sit on the ground where the dirt blew off and I run my fingers over a map, I hear the others park near me. I put both hands cover the map and shut my eyes, I focus on making the stone map into paper once more, it works perfectly, then the castle gates open revealed mine and Kat's parents, brother and another small figure, they walk over to me and help me up onto my feet "Kat, Amy, meet your new sister, Lana, she's a water and fire element" Dad says
"she's beautiful" Kat gasps picking up Lana
I don't speak or make a movement, I'm lost in thought looking at the map before realising the title and where it leads to
'fantastic' I think now excited
I turn and walk to the jet and put it on autopilot so it has to follow me. I take one of the motorbikes and drive off following the map and my senses, I know the others are following me, I also see Grumms ship coming down onto New Elementia but on the other side of the village. I drive up the hill and stop to let the others catch up, also to look at the magnificent view lated out ahead of me
"it's beautiful" Syd gasps
"I know, it's one of the beautiful places I'm aware of" I reply
"mother" I say
"yes Amelia sweetie?" mum asks
"Lana isn't actually called Lana is she?" I ask
I don't get a reply "is her name actually Laurel or is it Laura?" I ask
"her name is Laurel, we just call her Lana, it's easier" dad says
I hum in reply before walking across the hill "that's Helen down there, I think she has the others near her" Kat says
"I think your right Kat" Bridge say
The others agree however I haven't spoken. I back up a bit, Kat asks me what I'm doing but I don't reply, instead a run and jump off, I jump down 1500 meters. I gracefully land
"anything new?" I ask
"metal box, we can't open the lid, we've all tried" Jayden says
"we left it in the cave but we don't remember which way" Koal admits
"what now Commander?" Sky asks
"Park everything, the jet will pack them away and hide, does everyone have a flash light?" I ask
"didn't think we'd need one" Jack says
I roll my eyes
"whatever," I mutter
We walk in the cave, when it gets to dark I use my powers to glow a nice blue for light. We get to a two-way crossing, I just walk left knowing where to go
"Amy" somebody calls
I hum in reply
"I hear Grumm outside this cave" the same person says
I grunt in annoyance, I quicken my pace getting down to a place with lights so I return to normal, I see the large metal crate
"that's definitely the box" dad says
I nod before using my strength to slightly move the lid before dropping it
"it's here alright, we just have to get it into the castle, it's safer" I say
"yeah well Grumm can take this all he wants, the control to wake it up is still missing, we had to separate them a long time ago" mum says
I don't move "what do you mean 'we' mother?" I ask
"I'm sorry for not telling you, I was part of the science team who created the Destroyer, we were desperate for something to help with the early stages of the war, we had another race help us, however they got wiped out so we fought in the war, well not the science team, we worked on the Destoryer, it worked out well so we used it in the war, it slowly turned against us so we had to shut it off and box it away for good, I took the remote and went it away, they were sent off together but ended up split" mum explains
We all go quiet, and we can here Grumm so we panic before I teleport them to the castle then me and the box to the castle dungeon before teleporting myself to the others
"this Grumm person won't be able to activate the Destoryer so I don't see why we don't let him have it" dad says
I watch as my boyfriend gets annoyed, I shake my head at him, before putting my head on his chest
"dad, Grumm has his ways, he can activate it without the activation control, trust me, Doggie would know about that" I growl
"he can do many things in his stupid ship, he has minions he can call upon and they do what he needs, he can call upon them and they will activate it, then we have a huge problem because we wouldn't be able to deactivate it" Doggie explains as he puts an arm around me to keep me close to him
"so what? He probably wants it for an science experiment" mum says
"mum, dad, Grumm isn't what you think he is, he's an evil alien who wants to rule the universe, with the destroyer in his control he can do just that and we can't stop it. And I will NOT STAND AROUND AND LET INNOCENT PEOPLE AND ALIENS GET DESTROYED OR CAPUTURED BY THIS MANIC BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT TO HELP! If you want to leave then do so know because I'm staying to protect the innocent by keeping the Destroyer in my possession" I snap

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