Chapter 10

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Amy's POV - 6am
I enter the mansion completely drenched from jumping in a river. I remove the coat from my shoulders and hang it up, I take my boots off and walk upstairs quietly. I enter my room just as quietly though I can tell Cruger isn't asleep, I walk into the bathroom and take my wet clothes off and wrap myself in a towel before hanging them up, I dry myself off and leave to go to the wardrobe and get my warm pj's and a change of underwear and I head back to the bathroom to change and hang the towel up
"Morning Doggie" I mutter walking to his side of the bed and sitting on it
He pulls me close to him "Morning"
"shouldnt you be asleep? You usually are at this time" I mutter
"I heard you walk into the mansion, but yeah"
"mmk I need sleep, in all honesty, I'll tell you what happened later" I say getting onto my side of the bed and under the duvet before putting my head on his chest and falling asleep

I my eyes flutter open
"Morning sleepy head" Doggie says
I just hum in response. "you're warm and adorkable" I mumble
"thank you dear but don't you think it's time to get up?"
I mumble something
I force myself up then out of bed "it's cold" I mutter hugging myself
I wonder into the wardrobe and sit in it "i don't know what to wear" I call leaning out the wardrobe
"why don't you?" Doggie asks
"too many outfits, I don't even knew I owned" I reply falling out tye wardrobe tangled in scarfs
"need help there dear?" he asks bending down to my level
"I mean if you want to help me either get an outfit or out of this hell" I say sitting up. He gets up and walks into my wardrobe. I wrestle my scarfs off me with success, Doggie walks out a hands me an outfit
"thanks" I say hugging him a free I got him
"I'll let you get dressed now" he says patting me
I kiss him on the cheek and walk into the bathroom. I brush my hair and put it in a rough ponytail before completely change into my new outfit

I put my hair up into a bun and I leave the bathroom and walk downstairs and lay down on the sofa"still tired then?" Doggie asks"fell asleep in the ambulance, I'll tell you the story

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I put my hair up into a bun and I leave the bathroom and walk downstairs and lay down on the sofa
"still tired then?" Doggie asks
"fell asleep in the ambulance, I'll tell you the story. I got to the place with the police near by in case of a needed arrest, I camped out in the trees until eleven o'clock at night *yawns* where the orphanage owner and chief where eating food with 4 children, the owner looked like she didn't want to lose them, when I got over to them the chief grabbed the oldest and shoved her into the river. I yelled for help as a pulled off my coat and dived in and got the girl out, when the police got me and the girl out after the arrest of the chief and owner she was long dead the younger kids didn't know what was happening, they couldn't return to the orphanage. I knew Lexi loved looking after children, she has 6 of them as well as her work, she gladly took in the 3 children after we got back from the hospital around 4 in the morning, I was still drenched though so I trecked back" I say
"you seriously should take a nap, oh and the outfot definitely suit you" Doggie says me
"take the credit for it" I mumble as I curl up into a ball incase other wanted to sit down, I feel the sofa dip slightly. I move my head onto Doggies lap because I'm aware he is sat beside me. I fall asleep

Lisa's POV
'god, Jack is still asleep?! Oh well I mean we were up late after the others went bed, I'll see if anyone else is up' I think to myself as I walk out of mine and Jack's room in my sea blue dress and descend down the stairs
"oh morning Cruger" I say as I reach the bottom step
"Morning Lisa" he says
"did Amis get back?" I ask
"yeah she did, she got back at 6, she's currently sleeping again since she was practically up all night" he replys
"fair enough, everyone else is asleep"
"can't blame them, oh yeah before me and miss sleepyhead came down she fell out the wardrobe tangled in scarfs so I picked her outfit for her instead of helping her out" Cruger tells me
I lean on the sofa and see Amy twitching a little
"hmmm" I hum
'why is she twitching? I'll have to ask her when she wakes up unless it gets worse' I think to myself
"you are aware she's twitching again," I ask
He nods clearly aware
I just nod and click my fingers in front of Amy and the twitching stops but she remains asleep
"want anything to eat or not?" I ask
"I'll be fine"
I nod and make my way to the kitchen and cook pancakes for myself

After breakfast
I clean up after myself before returning to the sofa
"how did you stop her twitching?" Doggie asks
"I've been able to do it for years, it mainly works on her but I can find out how bad it is, if she's twitching and a click my fingers and she wakes up it wasn't bad enough to startle her. If she's twitching and I click my fingers and she stops twitching but remains asleep it's bad but she's in deep sleep she could cry when she wakes up, it depends on what she saw, she never says what her nightmares are" I explain

Amy's POV

I wake up and sit up leaning on Doggies shoulder
"hello Lisa" I say
"my, what did you see?" Lisa asks
I go quiet tears well up in my eyes and I bury my face in Cruger chest, he wraps an arm around me and with his other hand he strokes my hair
"you don't have to say it if you don't want to" he tells me
I'm quite quiet for a few minutes as Lisa gives up and turns to walk away I speak up
"It was horrific... I've spoken to Doggie bout it a very very long time ago" I mutter
"what? About the murder?" he asks
I nod my head and go closer to him as if I was a scared child
"your mother? Amy what happened to her was terrible, nobody knows who did it," Lisa says
"I... I know. I know who killed her" I mumble
"who killed her?" Doggie asks
I giggle "I shan't tell, you must get annoyed with it"
I take my phone out of my pocket and text Lisa a photo of Lillian and a photo of Fiyero before I lock my phone and put it away. Lisa gasps
"I don't believe it, why'd she murder her?" Lisa asks in shock
"I really want to know who this is" Doggie says
"I'll let Lisa say, I'm gonna go out for a walk" I say getting up
I hear footsteps getting closer to the front door where I'm putting on my shoes
I turn around to see Doggie in front of me "oh hello" I say with a smile on my face
"just tell me" he begs
"you used to love her but instead of staying with her you broke up with her to fix our mess" I say
His eyes widen with shock
"I've decided to pay her a visit" I then say opening the door and walking out

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