Chapter 28

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"Amy!" Jack calls running down the stairs I stay silent as I drink a cup of water "Amy!" Jack calls again "that's my name, don't wear it out" I sigh as I teleport in front of Jack "hi, how can I help?" I ask with my hands behind my back "now, I know I'm not a cadet and I've done this before and I'm still not good at it and you're like the best person to come to with this" Jack says "I don't speak Jack Language, I speak any other language other than that" I interrupt "wait really?" Cruger asks as he's still in the kitchen "yes I can darling" I say in Italian "anyways as you were Jack" I say in English "can you please teach me how to fight with a sword, Cruger taught me like twice and I'm not great" Jack explains "don't, he'll want to use your sword" Cruger says "Larshinra carrla Luang vac (oh shut up, that isn't needed here)" I snap at Cruger "I don't understand what you said" He says "good, I am glad" I say "can you teach me please?" Jack begs "of course," I say clicking my fingers "lagri-varun (steel sword appear before I)" I whisper to the air and silver sparks appear forming into a similar sword to mine but made of out steel and without paint "now I do know a good place for training this includes sword fighting," I say "cool let's go," Jack says going to leave "good luck fi ding the entrance" I say leaving through the front door and walking to the left of the house near some tree's, both Cruger and Jack followed, I'm not sure why he followed but I don't care "guidleih (open the doorway)" I whisper and the space in front of me opens slightly and I push on the door opening it "do enter" I say waiting for them which thankfully isn't long, it's a nice green field with alot of equipment that isn't to be used and my Zord is also here kept away "this is cool" Jack admits "why don't you and Anubis fight and I'll fight you to train because that's how I taught Kat" I say with a smile and watching the fight commence and after a little while (6 minuets) "Amy, I can't defeat him, can you try?" Jack asks I smile and stand up and walk over to Cruger "don't hold back" I whisper as Jack goes to where I was sat, I draw my sword and I allow Cruger to start the intense fight. 4 minutes I knock his sword out his hand and point mine at his neck "I win" I say with my foot on the Shadow Saber "last time I had practically won and that was when you were here the Very first time" Cruger says taking my sword and continuing to attack, I duck and pick up his sword and block his next swing and knocking the sword out again this time I catch it "bad idea" I say with a smile "how?" Jack asks "skill and a clear mind" I answer as I hand the sabre back to Doggie and put my sword away "that's your problem Jack you never have a clear mind" Doggie agrees "I'm that skilled I can do it blindly," I say with a smirk

A few hours later
"I think I got the hang of it," Jack says after defeating the 30th robot ai "never gonna be the best" I mutter waking from my unnoticed but necessary nap "don't think you know, believe you know," I say picking my sword up and blocking Jack's attack on the robot "huh?" "fight me, not them," I say with a smirk. We battle "Jack don't let your anger take control" I calmly say backflipping on a wall and pushing off "I'm not!" Jack snaps "I think you need anger management soon, your face shows it all mate," I say rolling my eyes as I block an attack with my foot and throw him off with my other foot

December 30th
I walk around in Lexi's shop doing nothing but drawing some things after all its something I do, thankfully somebody comes in "hello?" a lady asks "hi! I'm Amy, how can I help?" I ask cheerily "ah hello Amy, I'm Lynn Grey I'm here to get my outfit Lexi made for a musical I'm working with," Lynn says "I'd ask her to get it but she's currently on a break, what does it look like and I'll see if I can find it," I say with a warm smile "it's a blue sports bra with a crop top sown onto it with white knee-high boots and an orange jumpsuit, there should be two," Lynn says "is the musical a portal 2 musical?" I ask and she nods "I bloody love that game, I hope everything goes well," I say as I run into Lexi's storage room for made outfits for customers, I find the box with the outfits and I walk out with the box "thank you, Amy," Lynn says taking the box "wait you are the one thats engaged to S.P.D's commander correct?" she adds and I nod "oh god I feel sorry for you, I saw him with another girl" Lynn sighs "did you see a blue dog with scales with somebody else?" I ask frowning and Lynn nods 'I thought he changed, I guess not' "oh...thanks for telling me. Hey if you need help with anything, here's my number," I say handing her a card with my number on it "thanks and good luck Amy" Lynn says leaving "YOU TOO" I yell after her. I sit on the desk and guess who I see nearby, Doggie and some girl "I think thats Lillian looking different" I grunt "I feel ya love, HE SAID HE CHANGED TO FIX HIS MESS, wait, Amy take a photo!"  I take a photo and I see Lex scold him not long after I got the photo. She walks in "wanna come with me to a party?" Lex asks "If I say no you'll beg so yes" I sigh "stay there, Ima get the dresses for you to try," Lex says "oh yeah, Lynn Grey came and collected the outfits," I say as Lex leaves "GOOD" she yells. I remove the ring and I watch as two people that I know,  walk over and into the shop "Hi, how can I help?" I ask not looking up from my notepad which is hiding my phone as I message Kat a photo "Hiya Amy" Lillian says forcing me to look up "how long?" I ask covering the ring that I took off with the notepad "you don't need to know" Lillian smiles as my phone rings "somebody said they changed, I guess that was a lie" I sigh glaring at Doggie "dear please listen" he says  "LEXI I GOTTA TAKE THIS CALL DEAL WITH THEM" I yell as I answer the phone, walk away with the notepad and ring "hey Kat" I say walking into my room "....yeah I'm I was informed by Lynn Grey...yeah, I know, mind popping down to the shop?....Thanks, sis" I smile as I hang up before walking out "they want to know where you left the ring," Lex tells me and I show her the ring in my metal hand before walking to them "Somebody is in trouble~" I sing as I speak "what?" Anubis asks "Kat knows" I smirk before sending the photo to a group chat with both Elements and S.P.D "so do the others" I laugh 

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