Chapter 19

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A few weeks have flown by and in all honesty it's been bundles of fun, yeah we have our serious moments but we can't just be serious all the time anymore, that was in the past... However today was different remember Birdy? Or as me and Cruger have finally agreed on 'the over stuffed pelican' heh Kat hates us calling him that and Cruger has called him it longer.

The door knocks while I'm laying on the sofa reading a book
"I'll get it!" Sky calls from the kitchen
I don't pay a lot of attention as in reading the same page for the last 45 minuets, well the 15th time I've read the book, I feel my book getting ripped out of my grasp so hard I fall off the sofa. I get up and grab my book, I see its Birdy
"why are you here?!"
"I've came to see Commander Cruger, I went to the original place but the base wasn't there so I came to this mansion" he explains
"I'll get him" I mumble as I walk up to the room, I enter and slam the door shut
"dear what's wrong?" Doggie asks still laying in the bed
I put my book on the shelf "over stuffed pelican is here, he called you Commander Cruger" he reply
"of course he would, tell him I'm busy"
I nod and walk out the room and I lean over the banister
"sorry he's busy" I call down
"I'll come up and talk to him" Birdy sighs
I return to the room "bigger problem, he's coming in here" I reply leaning on the door just to fly forwards, thankfully somebody was off the bed before I flew forwards so I was caught
"careful" he whispers before putting me on my feet
"ah Commander Cruger" Birdy says
"what do you want?"
I go out onto the balcony, shut the door, lay on the the floor and fall sleep
Its less the half an hour and I get woken up
"dear, you fell asleep, anyways he won't leave" Cruger groans
"we're so doomed" I mumble
"he also doesn't believe that I ain't the commander anymore, he believes the mansion is mine as well" Cruger tells me
"THAT PELICAN SAID WHAT?!" I raise my voice suddenly on my feet
"dear please calm down" Doggie begs
"my mansion, my rules, he ain't staying" I snap as I walk out the balcony, out the room and down stairs
"if your looking die Birdy he's outside training the teens and Laura terribly, please help us we can't do anything!" Z begs
My eyes go red and I Glitch, I have my devil horns, nightmare ears and teeth
"ohhe is getting out of my mansion" I growl to Z before walking to the garden after changing back to my normal form
"oi Birdy, as the owner of this mansion and the Commander of my Cadets. You do not have my permission to train them or be here" I spit out
"yeah right"
"Commander Violetta-Ruz!" Eli gasps in relief
"yes Cadet Eli?" I ask
"can we please return to our rooms?" she asks
"please Commander I can't handle this, we've been so used to your way of training that we can't physically deal with it" Skylar begs
"of course, remember target practice is at 2pm" I say dismissing them
I watch as they race inside "now, you will not return to my mansion, you'll piss off and annoy anybody but S.P.D" I say before teleporting him away so I walk inside "we're free from the over stuffed pelican" I say
I hear Cruger yelling 'Thank god!' which causes me to snicker as I walk upstairs to see what's he's up to, I get to the door and hear the shower on, I roll my eyes and walk into the room, I sit on a chair in the kitchen area and drink my coffee I made before I was reading earlier
"glad he's gone then?" I call
I get a him for a reply, I finish my coffee and look for my hair brush to sort out my hair as its a mess before I realise it's in the bathroom
'of course I would leave it on there' I think to myself
"you done yet?" I ask
"my hairbrush is somewbere in the bathroom, I've checked our entire room, made a mess and cleaned up my mess" I explain
"oh yeah it's the bath sink"
"may I ask why it's in the sink?"
"accidently knocked it in the sink" is my reply from my boyfriend
"of course you would do that" I say with a giggle
"you don't need to wait outside the bathroom if you want your hairbrush, you should remember how the bathroom is anyways" he reminds me
I quietly faceplam me myself before entering the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it incase anybody walked in the room, I pick up my hair brush and brush my hair before styling it into a braid going from the left side of my head to the right, while I'm doing this I'm fully aware the shower had stopped and he's not in the shower however I focus on sorting out my hair then what he's doing. I see him in the mirror behind me seconds before he hugs me from behind "you couldn't wait to do that until you got dressed, your only in a towel" I mutter as I face him
He snickers and kisses me "yeah well sometimes your gonna have to deal with it" he whispers in my ear
"get dressed" I reply
"I would but you sister does have a tendancey to randomly enter our room" Cruger responds
I faceplam "speak of the devil she's already in there, you'll have to wait a bit, I ain't getting you your clothes" I reply before turning my attention to my hair as I curl the rest of it making it look nicer. I finish my hair in 5 minuets "why is she in our room is what I want to know" I say aloud
"I wouldn't know, can't you just get Kat to take her out the room?" he asks
I shrug before unlocking the bathroom door, walking out a bit
"Laura, mind leaving please somebody needs to get their clothes but they can't with you in here and I ain't doing it" I tell her
"me stay here!" Laura says
I hear Kat walking upstairs and into the room
"why can't you?" she asks
"I've asked and I'm busy fixing my hair" I half lie
"get Curger to do it" she then says
"he needs her out to get his clothes, he didn't take them into the bathroom before his shower" I reply
"fine, come on Laura" Kat says
"no me stay" she protests
Kat forcefully picks her up and leaves shutting the door behind her. I walk out the bathroom fully and lock the main door to stop her from entering
"it's safe now" I say as I watch the bedroom door handle move up and down before screaming
"god she's now a nightmare" Doggie says as he opens his side of the wardrobe and gets his clothes
"don't see how my parents could deal with her, I'm surprised I haven't put her in a box and mailed her to them" I say with a laugh as I move from the door and turn around with my back facing the door
"bad time to turn wasn't it?" I ask
"eh kinda" he replys
"oh wait, it's fine because your the same one who hugged me with I was in my underwear for pay back when I hugged you when you were shirtless" I say rolling my eyes and walking over to him, I hug him before he can even finished getting dressed
"dear, did you have to?" he asks
I nod before moving away from him to sit on the bed
"you haven't got all day Mr" I then say
"I'd have been dressed by now if you didn't hug me or your sister wondered in"
I nod my head knowing that was true as he finishes getting dressed while I read my book just for it to get taken out of my hands AGAIN
"Doggie" I whine "whyyyyy did you take my book?" I add
"16th time you've read it, we've might not been in the same room for ages but I know how many times you read it, it's not hard" he tells me before putting it on the only shelf he can reach
'I love you but right now I hate you for what you just did, the only FUCKING SHELF IN THIS RLKM I CANT REACH!!' I scream in my mind
"so did you look the door to our room? I understood why you did it in bathroom but I have no clue why you did for this room" he says as he sits next to me
I put my head on his chest and my right left over his "to keep Laura out, she'll cause World War 3 in this house" I say jokingly as I sit on Cruger's legs, my head is still on his chest
"all of B squad are married" Cruger reminds me
"so what?" I ask
"I wonder who'd be next" he says
"eh probably Jake and Eliza" I mutter
"nobody knows" he says
"oh yeah, forgot to mention I spoke to Eve, my LA friend about life, she asked if I had a boyfriend so I said yes I do have a boyfriend... She made me describe you but she made me laugh after wards" I say trying not to laugh
"what did you say to make her get you laugh" he questions
"I simply said: he's tall, adorable, kinda a dog that's blue with scales and uhm she straight up said: you dating a blue fish dog?! I couldn't stop laughing for at least 15 minutes" I say giggling, somehow I managed to make him laugh a little bit
"I doubt she's heard or seen a Sirrian then" he finally says
"no she hasn't, but I've met an adorable Sirrian who I'd die for and possibly marry depending on the future" I mumble everything after the word and
"what was the rest of that dear?" Doggie asks
"uh nothing.... Do you reckon we could sleep for the rest of the day and they wouldn't do anything about it? Not saying we should" I say
I only get a shrug in response
"who is Eve?"
"you've never heard of Evelyn Jones? Ya know the famous singing in La, has a twin sister called Astrid who's an actress in La??" I ask
He shakes his head "do ya research darling but you ain't moving now"
I curl up a bit and sleep still on Cruger

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