Chapter 3

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I sit down and listen to the teens squabble with Kat and Doggie for a good half hour as we flight to the place B-squad are. I sigh
"are you okay Amis?" Kat asks
I nod "the problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem" I say
"of course your now quoting Jack Sparrow" Kat groans
"there should be a Captain in there somewhere" I mutter
"what would you do?" Jake asks
"just close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by" I say yet again quote Captain Jack Sparrow
"can we take a nap?" Eli asks
I shrug "ai, how long will it take us to get to B-squad?"
"approximately 1-2 hours, I will wake you up when we land" the ai replys darkening the room, I sit on the floor and crawl over to a Cruger and lay by him, Eli hugs Jake for comfort while Kat just falls asleep in a matter of seconds. I fall asleep in Doggies embrace which is nice and warm reminding me of home

1 hour later

I wake up, the ai hasn't spoken yet so that has to be a sign we're not there just yet. I get free from Doggies embrace without waking him up and I carefully walk to my chair and sit on it
"ai, how much longer?" I whisper
"around half an hour, would you like to boost it via turbo-jets, if so you'll have to manually fly," the ai responds quietly
"let's do it" I hiss
I put my hands on the pilot's wheel as it comes out of auto-pilot and and the jets become the turbo version of them
I fly the plane pretty quickly as of the jets now in turbo mode so I have to be even careful with the steering, as I near the sight the jets go back to normal allowing me to come in for landing, the ai makes a horrific screeching sound as the thuds happen. I spin around in my chair to face the group of sleepers "I don't think it worked, I'll sort this out"
"okay, Amelia" the ai calls
"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I scream, this causes them to wake up and I snicker
"seriously, Amy" Kat asks
"yah, we're here thanks to me piloting half of it" I say helping Doggie up
I then walk out of the plane and wait a few minuets for the others to join me "we should be careful this is the old A-Squad we're up against, we have to save B-squad" I remind them
"is that... Their Megazord?" Kat asks
I look at what Kat is pointing at and walk over to it and climb up "hmmm seems it to me, it's too damaged... What happened?" I ask myself as I leap off and walk into the old warehouse
My ears stuck up as the sound of screaming
"I know where they are and I know who screamed like a girl who isn't a girl" I say
"who?" Eli asks
"your dad" Kat says
Jake and Skylar snicker and I run towards the sound, the others not far behind, I stop at a door and put my ears to the seal and I look through the glass to hear the A-Squad laughing and to see the B-squad in pain
"kra-toart" I tell Kat who nods and pushes them out the way of the door and me I pull out my sword and it lights on fire and I put it on the hinges, bits of metal goes flying as I cut the hinges off completely
"who's there?" Charlie asks
I signal to Kat that it's safe but to Ranger up. She nods and tells the others for me
I pull my morpher off my belt "S.P.D Emergency!" I say transforming into my ranger suit and running in
"Commander!" Syd coughs
"ah another member of S.P.D here to save their Cadets, how pathetic,"
C-Squad Cadets, Cat Ranger and Shadow Ranger walked out of the shadows, the 3 members of C-Squad in their swat forms ready to attack or defend
"in all honesty I hoped there was gonna be one showing up, I didn't realise 6 would show," Ex A-Squad blue ranger says
"rangers, attack!" Charlie says powering up
"you guys, keep them distracted, I'm gonna save B-squad" I tell them
"we have you covered sis, just be careful," Cat Ranger says
"let Shadow get hurt badly and you ain't gonna hear the end of it" I growl
They nod and run at Ex A-Squad while I stick in the shadows and making my way just above B-squad
I land on the metal beam my Cadets are chained to. I carefully hang down
"Syd, as soon as on of your hands are free hold onto the beam, when both are free try climbing up" I instruct as I carefully melt part of the chain.

40 minutes later

I free Sky and we leap down surrounding ex A-Squad
"took your time" Rose Ranger
"if you truly was offering to help them MAYBE I wouldn't have decided to take my time" I respond just before getting shit with a gun causing me to fly back a bit and land hard on the floor, I'm back in my ordinary clothes but back on my feet. I run over and karate kick the Ex A-Squad pink ranger into a wall and freeze her there
"I guess it's now gonna become cold" I say with a smile
I click my fingers and the walls become ice and parts of the floor have icicles coming out.

20 minuets later
We finally get them back into confinement cards and walk back to the B-squad megazord
"how are we gonna move this?" Bridge asks
"I'm sure Amy has an idea" Boom replys
"just stay here and out the way" I mutter walking to the plane, I walk in and grab thick heavy duty chains and walk back. I tightly tie them onto the Megazord and walk back to the plane and press a button causing the Megazord to get pulled over to me, the Megazord gets dragged into the plane and lowered into a compartment made for this kind of use
"are you just gonna stay over there? Plane leaves in 30 seconds!" I call over to them before sitting in my chair and setting the location for the mansion, I hear footsteps entering so I press a completely different button and sofas come out of the ground "everybody in?"
"yep" Z says popping the 'p'
I press a button shutting the doorsand we take off
I put it on auto-pilot and join the others, I lean on Doggie and listen to the conversation that slowly becomes an argument
"I didn't know that they were children" I mutter to Doggie with a hint of sarcasm
He chuckles which goes unnoticed by the others
"Oi, stop arguing before u get put into time out" I growl
They instantly shut up
'thank god that worked' I think
"just a question but is something going on between you two?" Sky asks
"so what if there is?" I fire back
I glance at Doggie and he shrugs.
"Kat, uh... *sighs* levto e... Evcan toz?" I ask (Kat, uh... Should I... Tell them?)
"yatu... Vanque" (it's your choice)
Kat and I look at the others and laugh
"Tu qun Doggie nuv" I reply (I'll let Doggie say)
I poke him to get his attention before whispering "your telling them"
"what is going on?" Boom asks
"so me and Amy are going out, and have been for a little while" Doggie says
This shocks everybody but Kat and they hugs us, I have no ue on why they decided to hug us

So me and Banner_225 are playing Roblox, and he froze me
I was like it for ages

So me and Banner_225 are playing Roblox, and he froze meI was like it for ages

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