Chapter 25

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"Amy, can you go for a bit?" Kat asks
I nod and walk out the lab and out of the base then I make my way to Astri's room
"mom!" Astri gasps
I pick her up and spin her
"hello dearest" I whisper as I enter her room
"hey Amy" Sky says sitting on the floor in a tutu and a rainbow headband
"omg! Sky you are killing that look" I say as I put Astri down
I leave her room an hour later due to being called into work to help Katie in the drama block
"I'll keep an eye on her" Sky calls out
"thanks!" I reply as I run downstairs
"in a hurry?"
"didn't know you were free to go" I reply to Cruger
"not meant to, you didn't answer my question though"
"it's called work darling" I reply before walking out the front door and walking down the hill and to the University
I walk into uni
"AMY!!" Katie says throwing herself at me
"I'm alive!" I sigh
"we know, you've been coming to work until 2 months ago since you have no class" Katie says as we walk to the drama block, she hands me a script which a quickly memorise
"so your working with me in drama and we're making a film~" she says in a singing tone
"cool" I reply
We enter the drama block and see everything is set up
"Katie, Amy, you'll be starting this off, okay?" one of the students says
"gathered, it says in the scripts" Katie replys dragging me in front of the camera
"I'm Chloe your Jenna" she whispers
I just nod
"and action!" the student yells
"Jenna! Didn't you hear the news?!" Katie gasps running to me
"Chlo! What happened?!"
"you hadn't heard?" she replys frowning
"uhhhh no?"
"O-M-G Rachel's house is on fire!" she gasps before falling to the floor fake crying
"you mean Rachel from school, the girl you bullied for no reason?" I ask
We finish up for the day a few hours later so I teleport home and fall asleep on the sofa
I wake up half an hour later due to Astri climbing on me
"what is it princess?" I ask
"daddy doesn't wanna play with me" Astri whines
I pick her up as I get off the sofa
"hes in your room" Astri mumbles
I walk upstairs and down the hall to mine and Crugers room then I enter, I put Astri down and she immediately goes to Crugers side and I see them talking so I walk over as I see Cruger turning around in my desk chair
"I've heard you've refused to play with Astri, she's your child as well she comes under high priority" I say with a low growl
"she tattle tailed on me" he mutters
I pick Astri up and put her on his lap before kissing Astri's forehead and Crugers cheek, I lay on the bed and doze off once again

1 hour later
"Amy get up"
I open my eyes "I don't want to though" I reply sitting up
"you've been gone for most of the day then asleep for parts of the day, we need to spend time together" Cruger says pulling me out of bed
I roll my eyes "where we going?"
"the beach, the others are in the base hanging out with Astri and Raine"
I nod and smile before getting into something light and dragging him out of our room
"let's go then" I say walking downstairs
We leave the mansion and walk to the beach "what have you been doing at work then" he asks
"I'm not a science teach anymore, kinda sucks but I'm now a drama teacher with Katie and we're making a film" I explain as we get to the beach
I stare at the sunset ignoring what he's saying, I get pulled out of my stare
"what?" I ask
"I'm glad we've sorted everything out however I do have one question for you" he says not giving any hints
"okay?" I question
I watch as he goes down on to one knee and I realise what's happening
"Amy, since the day we met I've loved you, I've might have fucked up our relationship once but your everything I'd die for.." he holds out a small box and opens it revealing a simple gold band with I Love You engraved in to it "will you marry me?" he asks
"yes!" I gasp
He puts the ring on my ring finger then stands up and kisses me
"this was why" he whispers in my ear
I smile "and I'm glad" I reply

"all I can say is I hope our wedding day isn't boring, like something to do with fighting" I mutter "weddings are boring anyway" he replysI smile "back home?" I ask"in always home when I'm with you dear, but yes back to the mansion" he tells meI t...

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"all I can say is I hope our wedding day isn't boring, like something to do with fighting" I mutter
"weddings are boring anyway" he replys
I smile "back home?" I ask
"in always home when I'm with you dear, but yes back to the mansion" he tells me
I teleport us back where Jayden hugs me "where have you been???"
"the beach for a bit" I say kicking his shin
Jayden looks at Cruger with an eyebrow arched before looking at my left hand
"your engaged?!" Jayden says in shock
I nod with a smile before teleporting to Kat
"Kat!" I call
"what is it?!" Kat exclaims
I show her my left hand "Omg! I'm so happy for you!" she says hugging me
I return the hug "I know" I squeal
"what's the commotion?" Sky asks
"your in a good mood Amis, what happened?" Syd asks
"take a guess Cadets" Cruger says walking over to us all
"no clue" Bridge says
I walk over to Cruger and hug him
"just tell us" Z says
"I asked her to marry me and she said yes" he tells them
"awww congratulations!" Sky says
I lean on Cruger while listening to them saying congratulations about this
"what kind of wedding you guys having?" Jayden asks
"a non boring one" I reply
I watch as Jayden's facial expressions change to confusion
"normal weddings are boring, Amy just hopes something interesting happens during it" Cruger explains to Jayden

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