Chapter 13

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I get dropped on the sofa, I manage to pull Cruger onto the sofa and I lean on him
"like your new outfit?" I ask
"yeah, I also found out what you did with the sequins on the back of it, it's cool" he replys
I smile at his response then I face him and kiss him "I'm glad you like it"
An hour later
"Amy, can you please help me with something?" Kat asks
"depends on what it is, cause I'm comfortable where I am at the moment" I reply
"can't you just guess?" Kat asks
I sigh and sit up and look at Kat who is behind the sofa. I look at every possibility there is until I reach her left hand, I see a ring on her hand that hasn't been there before. I gently pull Kat closer holding her left hand

"that is a pretty ring Kat, when did he ask?" I then ask"he asked me 25 minuets ago" Kat says"mm okay, I'll help you two later today" I say letting go of Kat who nods and dashes offI wait until she's out of my sight before returning back to my ori...

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"that is a pretty ring Kat, when did he ask?" I then ask
"he asked me 25 minuets ago" Kat says
"mm okay, I'll help you two later today" I say letting go of Kat who nods and dashes off
I wait until she's out of my sight before returning back to my original position "my little sister is growing up" I say with a smile
"yeah well, she's gonna be happy" Cruger says I nod "as long as she's happy with this then I'm happy for her"
Cruger pulls me close to him even though I was leaning on his arm so I lean on his chest and remain like it for awhile
"I've just realised, practically all of B-squad and ex B-squad are either married or getting married" Doggie says
I giggle "so true"
"Amelia, do you remember those 'legends' school spoke about when you went? Remember yours and Kat's parents showing you the Destoryer in Beta mode and then it working with others? It was used for good wasn't it, however nobody knew after it was deactivated and put in a box that if evil got to it, it can be used for evil things, what happens if Grumm gets his hands on it?!" my nightmare form says in my head
"you okay dear?"
I nod and smile "yeah, I better go find Kat, I'll cya later after I've finished up" I say parting from where I was sat and getting up. I walk behind the stairs and teleport into the lab
"you ready to help us?" Kat asks
"yeah, why else would I be here?" I ask glaring at Kat before sitting at the table in front of Boom and Katherine
I write down the plan with their help, after I write down the plan they go to leave "Kat... I uh need to talk to you, its important" I say
She nods and sits back down letting Boom leave by himself
"what is it Amy?" Kat asks
"remember what our school told us, and our parents showed us?" I asked
"the Destoryer is a myth, nobody has seen it in what 5-10 decades " Kat says
"what if Grumm finds out about it?! It's on New Elementia, for all we know Grumm could be heading there to find it. The Destroyer isn't just for good, it can be used for evil if in the wrong hands" I reply
"honestly, it's just a legend, don't worry about it, it's just fake" Kat says letting it slide
"I'm sorry Kat, but I'm going out to find it," I say as Kat leaves. She stops at the door
"no. No your not, you will stay on Earth," Kat says before leaving
I put my hands on my head, my elbows on the table
I stay there for an hour before getting up and walking to the command room and running a scan to find out if Grumms ship is still above Earth, thankfully it is but it looks like it's moved an inch or two backwards

3rd person - Grumms ship
"oh what is it now Mora?!" Grumm exclaims
"I've heard of an old legend called the Destroyer. It was made on Elementia, which is known for its strong powerful metals and fancy gems. However Elementia has been destroyed but the Destroyer is on New Elementia... Are you entreated?" Mora asks
"tell me more child" Grumm demands now interested
"the Destoryer was used for good but was used for a full year before it got put in a huge metal box! It isn't just able to used for good, we can use it for evil and take over the other solar systems before Earth. Plus the best part of it being on New Elementia, there's no population meaning nobody can get in our way but S.P.D and the Queen of Elements, I doubt they'd realise our evil scheme" Mora says
"and with this Destroyer we can do anything! However who is the Queen of Elements?" Grumm asks
"oh Queen Amelia Violetta-Ruz, she loves getting herself into danger, I think if we can get her onto New Elementia, we can kidnap her and force her to take us to the Destroyer!" Mora exclaims
"that's a perfect idea, I don't know how I didn't think of that sooner!" Grumm says laughing
"because your so obsessed with Earth and taking it over" Mora says quickly leaving to her room

Amelia's POV
I run up half of the stairs
"Amy, what are you doing?" Kat asks
"Grumm, his ship is leaving Earth's atmosphere, I think its gonna find the Destroyer" I reply worried
I face her and accidentally send a blast of ice at the bottom of the stairs that form sharp spikes all connected by 4 inches of thick ice
"Cruger tell your girlfriend the Destroyer is just a legend and that she doesn't have to worry about Grumm leaving Earth's atmosphere" Kat says
"as much as I want to agree with you Kat, I have to side with Amy, it isnt a Legend, nor a myth, we have to act fast" Cruger says
I then run into mine and Cruger room and grab my important gear and some clothes, I put the clothes in a backpack, I clip on my belt, I clip my sword, guns, morpher, small smoke bombs and a flashlight onto my belt, thankfully its not that heavy, I put my bag over my right shoulder and sash downstairs, followed by most of the Cadets, some are still packing, I type in something into the pad and stairs appear instead of the elevator, I run down them clearly in a hurry, I hear many footsteps following, I run into the control room and open up the planel to Bay 5
"go down to Bay 5,that's my zord in its lorry form, the delta runners, swat runners, quad bike and motor bikes are in there as well just hidden and out the way," I say
I watch was they all go down one by one, I check the scanner and see Grumm is currently getting close to Mars, I have plenty of time to get everybody on, into space and hyper jump several solar systems to New Elementia. I watch as Lisa goes down knowing she's the last one other then myself so I slide down as the panel shuts, I slide down and land on my chair. I drive out of the base and go into Jet mode where I fly into space and hyper jump
"any questions?" I ask
"why are we leaving Earth?" Jack asks
"we're heading to New Elementia to find the Destroyer before Grumm, he's left Earth's atmosphere, at least that's what Amelia said" Cruger replys for me
"it's still a thing?!" Lisa gasps
I smile and nod "it's been hidden for many decades, somehow Grumm has found out, sadly I'm not 100% sure where its hidden" I say before turning around as we appear in New Elementia' s atmosphere, I decided to call the other elements to get to New Elementia ASAP

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