Chapter 23

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"yah know, most couples go on dates, but that's just pointless, why go on dates with whoever your dating when you could just save them from evil? It's a much better idea if you ask me" I mutter
"yeah well only you'd come up with that" Cruger says pulling me close to him
"oh I know," I mutter
Its quiet for a bit so I decided to think of random stuff I've looked up a while ago
"did you know that anxiety has increased to destroy relationships and the fear of relationships is called philophobia" I say
"why are to saying this?"
"good question however its a useless one"
"what'd you do if I threw you into the pool?" I ask
"drag you in with me" he replys
"not if you can't get me" I mutter
He chuckles "then you'd suffer the consequences, such as not being in the same room at the same time" he says
"your trying to kill me" I mutter quietly
"What?! No!" he snaps in shock
"you so are trying to kill me"
"why would I want to kill you?" he asks
"I have no idea" I reply
"that's because I don't want to kill you"
I sit on his legs and face him
"another reason is you love me" I mutter
Before he can reply I kiss him
"cheeky" I mutter
I smirk "been along time since I've heard that now darling"
"wow its been ages" he says
I turn my back on him and lean on his chest before dozing off in the warm sun

A few years go by - 3rd persons pov
Amy's stopped her duty as Commander of S.P.D and HC of the elementss, leaving Lisa in charge of the elements and Sky in charge of S.P.D,she did this in order to help her sister and her sisters husband give Raine the best life they can even if that meant hanging up her sword for good she doesn't stop worrying. Remember the Demon form? It understood the balance of good and evil during the fights, it's now a half and half, this type is a half angel and a half demon.
"Amy!" Raine calls from the stairs
Amy turns to see Raine running down to her "I'm ready for school!" the 7 year old says with a smile of a warrior
Amy picks the young girl up and teleports them to the school dropping Raine off before returning to the mansion
"Where's Raine?" Kat asks
"school," Amy replys
"seriously? She never asks to go school she complains about it Non-Stop" Boom says in shock appearing from behind Kat
"that's not what she said, she said that she's going to make sure to listen to her teachers, stay out of trouble and when she gets into high school she's gonna study as much as possible before getting a doctors degree in university" Amy reply as she walk to my little office where Amy keep her lab stuff and different coats
"don't you have to be somewhere?" Kat asks Amy grabs her lab coat and googles
"indeed, if you see Doggie around, tell him I'm at work and I'll be back soon" Amy whispers to Kat who nods

Amy appears outside of her classroom in the university she works at
"Professor!" a student calls running over
"yes Jane?"
"about the homework, I didn't understand it, may I have a bit longer or could you explain it to be so I can complete before lesson?" Jane asks
"of course, remember class starts in an hour" Amy says with a smile as she unlocks her class room and turns on the lights and sits at her desk, Jane sits opposite her and listens to Amy explaining the homework and helping Jane the best she can
"hello Amelia" a female adult voice says
Amy looks at the direction of the voice
"ah hello Katie! What can I help you with?" Amy asks her fellow co-worker
"oh nothing, I just wanted to let you know at half way through your lesson we have an assembly as we've got some visitors coming in I'm sure they'll have a quick stop in a few classrooms" Katie says
"thanks, do come and collect my class on your way to assembly, I'll end up forgetting" Amy says
Katie nods and leaves

2 hours later - Amy's POV
My students return after leaving half an hour ago so I allow them to continue with the practical they started before the assembly
"heyy Amies!" Katie says leaning on the door
I hear other talking
"Heya, what can I do?" I ask
"mind looking after the guests?" Katie says batting her eyes "fine"
Katie leaves after telling them they can stay. I walk up the stairs and stop at one of the students "what was the assembly about?" I ask
"oh S.P.D came and they said that we're allowed to come around for a day to tour around their base!" Snow says with a smile
I walk around before getting a poke in my arm so I turn "hi aunty Amy!" Raine says giggling "shouldn't you be in school?" I ask picking her up and walking down "yes but mummy and daddy took me out of school" she says
"Kat, she's in a school for a reason" I say putting Raine in her arms
"Professor! Do you personally know them?" Jane asks
"yes I do personally know them, I worked with them before taking care of Raine" I respond
"that means we'll see you later then!" Janet gasps
I smile "if I'm not busy in a shop"
"you work in a shop?!" Matthew practically yells, I put my head on Cruger's shoulder not facing the class
"she's worked in a shop for years, anyways don't you have a project to finish?" Kat asks
This shuts them up and I see them getting on with their work
"how did you find me?" I ask
"you took your lab coat and googles, last year you told me you had a job but you would never work in a lab, I did my research, it was either this science uni or a different uni out of the city so I guessed it was this" Kat explains
"of course you did" I mutter rolling my eyes before moving to stand on the table
"Okay class! You may leave 10 minutes early for this once. Remember you have an assessment next week so the rest of this week's lessons will be cancelled due to your revision" I call loudly so I can be heard at the back
They pack up their equipment as I jump off the table, I watch as my students leave the class in a single file procedure for the first time, I'm guessing so they don't give off a bad infuance
"home?" I ask with a yawn
"yeah, you need to sleep" Cruger says
"not surprised in all honesty, though I do like your class they're pretty well behaved" Syd says and I laugh
"that's the only time!" I says after my laughing fit
"I'm guessing they don't have S.P.D in their class expecially one that looks terrifying" Z says
"in other words she means Cruger" Sky says
"he is not terrifying! He took care of me when we were younger during the war" I say
"he even stopped her from getting murdered" Kat chimes in
"wow, never would have been able to tell its usually Amy who saves out butt's, well it was Amy before she stepped down because of Raine" Bridge says
"she wants her to have the best plus Kat and I are busy helping you guys quite a lot I think it's a good thing she's here, Raine might not even have the life she's getting" Boom points out as they leave my classroom, I follow so I can lock up
"leaving already?" a male voice asks
"Johnson, I have a life out of here so go fuck yourself" I say glaring at him with red glowing eyes causing him to scream and bolt it into the cupboard. My eyes return to normal as I face the others
"least Raine is asleep so she wouldn't have heard" Z says
My vision starts to go black as I feel way more tired then I was earlier, however I'm half sure that someone noticed as I only heard the start of my name before it all went back

I wake up in a bright room
"Amy's up" somebody says
I sit up
"Careful dear"
"never" I mumble
I get off the cold medical bed
"how long was I out?" I ask
"a few days" Kat says before reading from a clipboard "you heart rate was really slow, stopped for an hour or two, nobody knows how you pulled through all of that unless you somehow know"
"I have my ways to keep myself alive, I don't tend to go down easily without a fight its quiet normal is you know who we are by know unless your not smart then we have a small problem sister" we (me and my demon) speak
"uuhhh" Kat shudders
"don't be scared, I mean no harm"
I smile
"oh your back, how long has it been?" Cruger asks
"I never left, she still sometimes calls us her Glitch or something like that it's offensive in our opinion"
"our?" he asks
"oh she also calls us her Nightmare form and her good demon form I suppose"
"I remember you now" Cruger says
"oh we know"
"your the ones who helped her?" Kat asks
"they will rest when her duty is done, when they rest she'll be able to rest as by that I mean rest in peace" Doggie says hugging me
I hug back "thank you" I whisper

A New Hope: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now