Chapter 24

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A few (4) years fly by - and if your wondering what happened we'll not much, I had to watch Raine get sent to a boarding school for her safety a year ago, 2 years ago Syd and Bridge have a son called Vivien, Cruger and I now have a baby girl called Astri and no we're not married, yet soon I'd hope however not for awhile during battle with the rangers, he and Sky were but into a coma when Astri was only 1 year old for a good cause, they kept the citizens safe from harm

"Kat" I mumble
"you look dead" Kat replys
"wasn't asking for your opinion" I mumble
"Astri is in her room, the 2 year old had managed worn herself out" Kat says
We walk into the infermery
"no clue when they'll wake up but he might miss a lot" Kat tells me
"least I have the rest of my family awake and alive... I refuse lose hope... Even if its false hope" I say
Not long after we exit the lab the crime alarm rings so we get to the control room
"Rangers, I know you've lost your commander and team leader, your gonna have to work harder but not to hard while you have no Sky. Now this will be easy if you focus" Kat says just as Jack walks in
"Kat, let me lead them into battle" Jack says
"I'm afraid not, your not a cadet Jack" Kat says
I pick up Sky's morpher and walk to Jack "Jack, I know what your capable of doing is good for us all so, use it while you can" I say placing the morpher into his hand
"Thank you Amy" he says
"let's go every one, fellow Jack's commands" Bridge says as they run out
"that wasn't a smart idea Amy!" Kat snaps
"they need a Red Ranger, they need Jack's help while Sky and Cruger can't save them" I reply
Kat walks out
I watch the cameras to see the Rangers fighting Zeltrax, apparently they fought him before they're just tilting onto the losing side... Nobody knows how he got to this time he shouldn't be here.
I get up off the controls and jump onto the floor, pick my sword up from the mantle that once was used for Cruger's sword when he refused to fight and I walk go down to the bay, get on my motorbike and drive to the city centre where the fight is
"Amy!" Red Ranger yells getting my attention
"Go back to the base!" Yello Ranger yells
I just roll my eyes, kill the engine, stand the bike up, get off and walk over to them
"hello Zeltrax, how did you get here?"
"I was teleported to kill the future rangers!" Zeltrax growls
I just hum and block his attack with my sword and throw him meters away, this battle takes an hour, once we had got him back to his time the Rangers powered down
"Amy! You're bleeding from under your eye!" Syd gasps
"I'm fine" I wave it off mentally
"Kat's gonna be annoyed" Z reminds me
"she's the same person who ran across a battlefield during a war" I tell them
"wow, that was stupid," Bridge mutters
"and I had to follow her during the war in case she got hurt, its safe to say that the younger version of Anubis kept an eye out for us back then as he stopped me from being murdered. He still looks out for us" I explain
"that's sweet of him, we've never really seen him like that even when he's around you he's stern while we're near, dunno if he's different when you guys are alone" Syd says
"he doesn't want to show he isn't always tough" I reply as we walk back to the vehicles and speed home

A week later

I sit in a field watching a battle, what I don't know is somebody has decided to sneak up on me and cuts off my left arm. I pass out

4 hours later

I wake up in a cold hospital room
"Amelia, good to see your awake, you've had a bad accident resulting the lose of your right arm, so we did what we could and gave you a metal arm, we've booked you in for 3 months of physical therapy starting today" a nurse says helping me up and taking me to a room for therapy, while we're on the walk to the other side of the hospital I look at my left arm

I wake up in a cold hospital room"Amelia, good to see your awake, you've had a bad accident resulting the lose of your right arm, so we did what we could and gave you a metal arm, we've booked you in for 3 months of physical therapy starting today...

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I spend a few hours in physical therapy so my arm will work how it should when I use it and after a while of the therapy I get let out a few months early allowing me to return home.
I skip home swearing my jumper Lexi brought over while I was out and it covers my hands even though I'm wearing gloves
"mummy!" Astri yells running at me as I walk into the house so I crouch down and pick her up
"Heya, did you miss me?" I ask
"mhm" she hums
"I'm sorry that I was stuck in the hospital for a month" I mutter
"it otway" she says
"wanna go see dad?" I ask
"dada!" she corrects me
"I'm sorry, let's go see dada" I say teleporting to the lab
"Amy! Your okay" Kat gasps hugging me sideways as I have my daughter in my arms
"only just okay" I say
"auntie Kitty, we sees dada" Astri says with a smile
"how's he been?" I ask
"he nearly came back to us, Sky is back with us but is just resting to gain his strength so he's still in the same room as Cruger" she explains
"thanks Kitten" I say walking into the infermery and placing Astri on Cruger chest where she hugs him. I walk to Sky
"Hey Amis" Sky says
"Hey, how's the coma been?" I ask
"terrible" he replys
"I'm glad to see your alive though, our Ranger Family would fall apart if you died" I say
"least I'd have died a hero" He replys sitting up
I nod and help him up so he can sit by Cruger
"Uncle Sky!" Astri says clambering over Cruger to hug Sky
They talk for awhile as I hold Doggies hand with my right hand and kiss his forehead
"please wake up, you daughter needs you in her life before you miss her growing up" I whisper to him
I watch as Sky leaves with Astri so I sing a song to calm myself down
Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?

Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found" I sing with some tears dripping down my face like raindrops on a car window
I kneel down and rest my head on his chest
"I don't know if you can hear me but just know I'll forever love you" I whisper
I feel his hand hold my hand "hey dear" he mutters weakly
I look up "you okay" I sigh with relief
"did I miss anything important?" he asks
"what did I miss?"
"your daughter" I reply
"true" he says sitting up
"I've been in hospital for a month" I mumble
"what? What?"
I sigh "it's easier to show you as long as you don't tell anyone, they'll find out in their own time" I say as I take off my jumper and my long left glove
"what happened dear?" Cruger sternly asks me
"not sure, it's a bit fuzzy"
I hug him "shame you were in a coma," I add
"mmmm, can I leave the infermery yet?" he asks me
"do I look like I'd know?"
He shakes he's head "when do you even stay in a medical room when your awake?"
I shrug
"I don't think you do missy" Cruger says poking me
I roll my eyes and put my jumper back on as Kat enters the room again
"anything new Amy?" Kat asks
"yes, he's awake and alive" I say
"good!" she sighs

A New Hope: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now