Chapter 22

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So I slept in the entire day yesterday, didn't realise until Laura tells me and today I haven't seen anybody in the mansion or in the base. Not even a text message saying they've left me alone. I run to my room in the mansion 'well only one way to find out if they've gone is to check everybodys room'
I open Doggies side of the wardrobe and it's nearly bare so I shut it and check the others rooms to find things missing
"they've left me..." I mutter tears welling up in my eyes as I descend the stairs I walk to my study and enter. I log onto my laptop and email Eve to see if she's seen them and I get an instant reply, it's a photograph of them all with Astri on the beach with a caption: why aren't you with em?
I then phone her knowing she can receive my call
"Hey Eve... No I'm not okay, I feel betrayed.... Why?! They fucking left me to go Tenerife without me to meet you and your sister.In all honesty I'm kinda tempted to burn something but at the same time I'm too lazy to do it.... I can't leave Newtech City to go Tenerife! You know about the whole Grumm thing!.... Look I'm sorry I can't come down to see you but someone has to look after the city.... Thanks for understanding, perhaps you and Astrid can visit... Great also, why are you in Tenerife I thought you live in LA?.... Ooohhhh but how did they know you were there?.... Okay Kat does seem to do that, anyways did they say how long they're staying?.... A YEAR?! Fucking hell that's too long!!... I'm glad to know now what Doggie is, he ain't a blue dog fish he's a Sirian... Haha to you he will be anyways tell them I'll probably forgotten how to talk in English please, I'll end up returning to my native language that few can understand that few being Kat and Lisa, Laura is an element but she can't speak Elementian.... Yeah we'll cya later!" the other line goes dead
Since I'm alone I go back to talking in Elementian

A year later
I walk out of the mansion and down to the seaside, I get calmed by the sea crashing against some rocks. I hear talking but I don't recognise the voices. I run my fingers down my long-ish colourful hair

I get up and walk back to the mansion and enter it

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I get up and walk back to the mansion and enter it. I walk to the kitchen and I hear the front door open as I open the fridge, I grab my smoothie I made yesterday out and shut the fridge to see how entered and let's just say I hardly recognise them
"Amy!" a small teenage girl says
"I'm sorry, but I don't properly recognise you guys" I say forgetting I don't speak English
"I told you she won't speak English" Eve says
"Kat, what did she say?" Z asks
I look at Kat and see she's holding a baby girl
"she said that she's sorry but she doesn't recognise us" Lisa says
"thanks Lisa" Syd says
"no problem"
"uhm Kat, is it?" I ask still not in English
Kat looks up at me and nods
"who's the child?"
"oh this is my daughter, Raine Manx" Kat replys in Elementian
I nod "she's beautiful, could I hold her?"
Kat smiles and hands me the crying baby "I haven't managed to stop her crying" Kat says sadly
I stroke Raine's forehead before making her toy float above her and instead of crying she laughs
"how has she managed to do that?" Boom asks only to get a shrug from Kat
"we should keep in mind she tends to use 'magic' so that's probably how" Sky says causing me to nod my head as if I'm saying well done
I manage to put Raine to sleep before handing her back to Kat who thanks me in English. I sit on the stairs
"try being a full elementian and being left alone for a year, I got used to talking only in elementian to myself and the ai, occasionally RIC but he's hopeless at understanding, I abandoned English as I didn't know if it was atchually a year you where gone and its been a habit of mine to talk in my native language" I explain
"what?" Bridge asks
I facepalm myself
"you guys seriously need to learn elementian, it's a hard language to master though" Lisa says
I manage to remember each of them but I still struggled with my English, it was funny

2 weeks fly by and I've relearnt English. I've just been laying on my balcony for most of the day. I hear the balcony door open and close
"you okay dear?"
I open my eyes to see Cruger
"I'm fine, just about, if your staying you can chill on the floor with me" I reply
"wasn't there originally sunchairs?"
"well... Yes.... However they annoyed me so I kinda just threw them far away but that was ages and ages ago! Way before the twat came around, I think I got rid of them the same day I was free from the curse" I explain
Cruger sits next to me and puts my head on his lap, I don't really mind in all honesty
"how was the year without us?"
"hellish, boring, lame, dull, tiring and boring"
"you said boring twice, dear"
"I know I did darling, it's been said for a reason" I reply
I feel him playing with my hair a bit, it causes me to smile.
"why did you have to go a year ago?" I ask
"forced to"
I put a hand on his face while I'm  laying down "least we have each other now" I say with a smile
He nods before moving my hand off his face and holding it "I'm glad I've met you Amy,"
"whys that?" I ask
"you beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, fun to be with girl plus your talented and you use your talents to use in base or l on field even if you hate using them" he tells me
I sit up and hug him tight "that's the best thing anybody said about me"
"what's the worst thing somebody called you?" he asks
"Terence's girlfriend" I say before laughing
"definitely bad, I felt sorry for you when we first met and I found out about it"
"gathered, you was by my side when I wasn't awake during the war" I say
"it was to keep you safe as well" he says but we both know that's a half lie, I just roll my eyes "yeah sure that was the case"
I rest my head on his shoulder
"why do you spend so much time with Raine, I've seen you with her the past 2 weeks while learning English again" Cruger mumbles
"aww is you sad I'm spending more time with a child then my boyfriend of a year and 5 months?" I ask
"maybe" he mumbles "I also didn't know that's how long we've been going out since you answered the question" he adds
"I had marked the date I'd answered your question on my phones calendar so I'd know" I reply
He nods understanding

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