Chapter 27

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We walk about the wedding date and decide on the 24th of August next year when it's the warmest time and let's just say we don't even care what happens as long as it isn't boring either of us
"Commander Cruger" Bridge calls
"back to commander huh?" I ask
"no more HQ" he tells me
I just nod "go see what is needed" I tell him
He rolls his eyes and goes over to Bridge and they leave, I get off the sofa
I walk upstairs and to my balcony, I then climb up onto the roof and sit on the flat roof top
"Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down to the bottom of the river
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down, a long way down
If you get sleep or if you get none
The cock's gonna call in the morning, baby
Check the cupboard for your daddy's gun
Red sun rises like an early warning
The Lord's gonna come for your first born son
His hair's on fire and his heart is burning
So go to the river where the water runs
Wash him deep where the tides are turning
And if you fall
If you fall
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down to the bottom of the river
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down, a long way down
The wolves will chase you by the pale moonlight
Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger
Drive your son like a railroad spike
Into the water, let it pull him under
Don't you lift him, let him drown alive
The good Lord speaks like a rolling thunder
Let that fever make the water rise
And let the river run dry
And I said
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down to the bottom of the river
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down, a long way down
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way, a long long long way
Hold my hand
Ooh, baby, it's a long way down, a long way down" I sing staring out into the distance

Not much longer I see S.P.D leaving for a mission, I shrug it off not really caring, I lay on the cold tiles
"sis? You out here?" Kat asks
"on the roof" I call to her
She climbs up onto the roof "you missed the mission briefing, they kinda hoped you'd be there," Kat says
"ah yes, let me go down to the base for a mission when I'm not either the Elemental team or S.P.D, I only go down there if I'm badly injured or to see my sister" I tell her
"right" she sighs "river crime happened" Kat says
"it was meant for me, a trap for them but a task for me" I gasp
"What?" Kat asks
"was there a message hiding in the mission that wasn't said?" I question
"not sure, care to take a look at the photos?" she asks
I nod and teleport us to the control room, and yes teleportation doesn't leave you laying or however you was last as, it'll put you on your feet if you were wondering. Kat pulls up the file "anything that catches your eye?" Kat asks
"mum, Death, river, posion" Astri says crawling to me. I pick my 2 year old girl up
"how does she know?" Kat asks
"if she's anything like me, she'll hear anything depending where she is, for example, Bridge and Cruger spoke about me behind my back years ago, when I nearly had an outburst, I heard their conversation from the lab" I say
Kat nods and changes to the information page in the photos
"4 teens have been killed by the river, their body's found 2 feet under sand, dirt and rocks it seems like whoever has killed them haven't stopped, they need attention" I read then realising the underlined
"I don't see how this is a task for you" Kat says
"words - well letters, are underlined, they're s h e r c k l o, re-arrange it and you get Sherlock, my police name is Sherlock Holmes, somebody tried reaching out to me" I explain
"photos?" she asks
"no, I know there's more text, I want to read it" I tell her
She nods and gets up the second text the others didn't see
"Help... Sher... lock... Trap... Dying... Help... Please" I read
"oh.. My.. God it had been for you, if they had noticed and pieced it all together they should have called upon you" Kat cries out
"Astri, be good for Auntie Kat, okay, mum is gonna go save the others" I tell her
"Sherlock mum hero" she giggles before Kat takes her and I race out before teleporting to the river, the same one that S.P.D is at
"well well well, look who it is" a cold female voice growls
I see S.P.D looking my way, I'm not in my normal clothes, oh no, I'm in a purple shirt, demon trousers that I can run in, along with my belt and my long brown coat
"if it isn't the famous Sherlock Holmes" the voice calls out "I was hoping to see you here instead S.P.D came, put down a good fight but were fool by a trap" she adds
"I know, so let them go... I know you call for me Scar, I was just notified by my lovely sister, shame S.P.D doesn't realise I was being called for by you Scar" I say with a smile, Scar walks out the shadows holding the Shadow Sabre "should I add this to my collection?" she asks
I press a button my my metal arm and the handle of the sword gets torn out of her grasp and I catch the sword
"nah, I'll keep it for safety precautions" I growl
Scar runs at me lashing out but I block it with the sword and send her flying
"I know what you did Scar, I'm not here to fight you, I want to help you, your not well, we both know that" I say to her
She growls and attacks me but I push her back with the wind
'if I angle this right, since I made it magnetic with a touch of a button in my arm, I should be able to throw it at the right angle allowing it the cut the ropes and hit Scar hard on the back of the head before returning to me' I think to myself before testing my idea out
"now your weaponless, wasn't that stupid" Scar mocks
I pull out an animation gun, this allows me to shoot somebody/thing anywhere and it gets suspended so nothing can happen unless it's reversed, and yes I made this in my free time
"Amy, shooting her isn't worth it" Syd calls to me however I point it at Scar anyway
"Go on, shoot me, might as well" Scar says
I glance to see the location of the sword, stage 2 of my plan is in motion its finished cutting the rope and on the way to hit Scar
"Amy!" Sky yells yet again I ignore the calls as I wait for my cue, next thing they know it that the swords handle hits Scar hard in the neck causing her to duck, I catch it and attach it to my belt conviscating it before rising the gun once more seconds before Scar rises up, I pull the trigger and Scar gasps in shock before going limp, she can't move, just stuck about to attack floating a few centimeters above the ground
"not a real gun" I tell them before putting it away
"how did you know we were here?" Z asks
"4 dead in the river, poisoned, nobody is dead, nobody was poisoned its the rivers name" I explain
"you've lost us" Bridge says
I grunt "idiots" I mutter
"I take offence" Cruger says
"not you, however I'm convincating your sword, it's staying on my belt" I tell him looking him dead in the eyes
"Amy, what do you mean?" Boom asks
"4 dead, river poisoned, the river is known for 'killing people' the dirt and sand is the 'poison' the river is a 4 way river aka it leads to for streams/lakes/rivers, this river is called Dead River, as if the river was dead, you don't see any movement and it looks like ash" I explain
"Scar sent us the files with clues trying to get us to come here?" Sky asks
I shake my head "clues for you to get me to read it"
I go into Scars mind and see her making the last file I saw, it was in Lillian handwriting but was clear it wasn't her leave her mind and teleport us all back to the Mansion
I walk to the elevator and open it, then I walk in and go down to the base before anyone can catch up to me, I leave the elevator and walk down to the lab
"mum!" Astri yells throwing herself at me, I catch her and let her head rest on my shoulder
"is somebody sleepy?" I ask
She mumbles before lifting her head up "song!"
"okay," I say teleporting us to her room, I place her in her small bed and cover her in her blanket
Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found

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