Chapter 29

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"oh, if you guys want to stay together then you ain't coming to MY mansion, I'll look after the Cadets, after all I'm their favourite" I smirk as Kat enters and hugs me "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER?! SHE'S BEEN THROUGH HELL!" Kat snaps and I nod "what would Astri think when she finds out what happened?!" Kat exclaims "she prefers Amy so it's fine" Doggie snaps "you are so never returning and you definitely won't be forgiven" Lex says "Amy would run back to him anyways, she's not smart enough" Lillian laughs. I shut my eyes pushing away my tears before they snap open "get out of my sight, and while you still can pack your shit up" I growl. Neither leave "give the ring back and we'll be on our way" Lillian says holding out her hand. I hand her a fake copy and they leave "idiots, they fell for a fake" I mutter "Kat, while your here, want to help with Amy's dress, I'm taking her to a party today" Lex says "oh the one with the concert?" Kat asks "that's the one" Lex says before both of them walk away and return with a few different dresses which I try on

 I hand her a fake copy and they leave "idiots, they fell for a fake" I mutter "Kat, while your here, want to help with Amy's dress, I'm taking her to a party today" Lex says "oh the one with the concert?" Kat asks "that's the one" Lex says before...

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"oh your should go the unicorn colour hair! It'd be cute" Lexi says. I sigh and run my hands through my hair changing the colour

Half an hour laterWe leave the shop long after Kat left and we walk through town "just remember that I hate dresses and this once I'm letting it slide, put me in a dress again and I'll slap the life out ya" I hiss and she nods, we walk past an idi...

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Half an hour later
We leave the shop long after Kat left and we walk through town "just remember that I hate dresses and this once I'm letting it slide, put me in a dress again and I'll slap the life out ya" I hiss and she nods, we walk past an idiot and a bitch, I trip up the bitch without either of them seeing it coming "seriously Amy...?" Lillian groans but Lexi and I just walk off after Lex shows them her middle fingers. I put my hair up in a bun and I face them while walking "HOPE YOU REGRET LIFE" I yell before running with Lex after seeing how mad they got, thankfully were quicker plus there was stairs, I teleport us to the place Lex told me we would be heading and we see Lynn who runs up to us "Lex, Amy glad you could make it, love the new hair colour Amy" Lynn says hugging me and I return the hug "thanks" I smile "enjoy the show~ I gotta go get ready" Lynn says dashing off as we go inside

A week later
"Hey Amy wanna go into town and hang around for awhile?" Z asks "sure, hey why don't we wear something that hopefully won't get us regonised as S.P.D" I say getting off the stairs "if that's possible but I don't see why we can't" Z says running up the stairs and I teleport to my room. I grab some random clothes and change into them

I walk out room pleased with my look "nice outfit" Syd says as I jump down stairs "thank you, I didn't bother today don't need to impress anybody anymore, we can all do whatever the fuck we need to" I say with a smile "best leader so far" Sky says...

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I walk out room pleased with my look "nice outfit" Syd says as I jump down stairs "thank you, I didn't bother today don't need to impress anybody anymore, we can all do whatever the fuck we need to" I say with a smile "best leader so far" Sky says with a chuckle and I just nod as Z runs down the stairs "come on Amy" Z says dragging me out "LOOK AFTER ASTRI SKY" I yell before walking with Z into town "I'm thinking, clothes, lunch then probably back to the mansion, hopefully no fights" I simply say as we get to town "hopefully no fights" Z repeats "why do I get a feeling we're getting stared at?" I whisper "no clue" Z sighs as we walk into a random clothes store which happens to be Z's all time favourite and in a matter of seconds I lose her "dammit Z" I groan "I didn't know that you wanted to look like a freak" Lillian says "oh honey, I'm not a mirror, plus this is my best impression of you" I say rolling my eyes "hah, nice one Amy" Z says appearing from nowhere "so that's we're you went" I sigh "how DARE YOU OFFEND ME" Lillian snaps and gets kicked out "I'm incredibly sorry about her misses" one of the staff say to us "thank you" Z smiles before going again not long later we leave the store and we walk around for a bit just chatting until I go quiet "Amy what's wrong?" Z asks "something seems off with a man, I'm sure it's nothing" I say shaking my head "what did you see?" Z whispers "red eyes and then somebody shifted into the man, my guess is Grumm but he isn't causing trouble yet" I mutter "we'll have to keep an eye on him from a distance" Z sighs and I nod "why don't we pop into the university I work in, you can leave the bags there just incase we gotta fight something, plus we can get away from Lillian for a bit" I say "good idea I don't like her at all" "nobody does, no idea how she gets a boyfriend but when that's over I'm sure he'll be running back" I laugh "well yeah, your irreplaceable plus you deserve better then some bitch who's gonna leave you after claiming he's changed!" Z says in a comforting way as we get to my other work place "AMY!" Katie yells running at me and hugging me tightly "hello there" I say as she lets go of me and the three of us walk inside

Hey guys, I'm leaving this book here. Its ended if you want a book four please comment down below but do expect it to be on hold if I do get round to a book four!

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