Chapter 8

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I return to the mansion and ignore Kat who's asking me where I've been and how dangerous it is for me to go onto a battle field when I'm not fully recovered however me also being a doctor would know I'm fully recovered
"Kat, I get your concerned about me, but listen to this. Number 1: you ain't my mother, in fact your a year younger than me so you can stop bossing me around. Number 2: I'm also a doctor, I would know if I'm fully recovered or not and guess what, I'm fully recovered from when I was shot plus if the worst returns I have my boyfriend to protect me and he has me to protect him. So please can I have my morpher and can you please stop acting like my mother" I say
Kat shoves my morpher into my hands before slapping me and walking off now in a strop. I sigh and walk up to my room, when I enter my room I place my morpher on a shelf and walk into the bathroom and take a nice calming shower before getting changed into fluffy pj's. I get into bed and read a book for awhile

2 hours later
I get out of bed and put my book down, I grab my coat and head down to the base before the others, I walk into the control room and pull up what's going on. It's Laura Mora and Livi causing mayhem.
"Commander, 2 things," Syd says
"what?" I ask not in the mood
"are you in pj's?" Syd asks
"yes I am, got a problem with it? No okay cool, anyways ask your other questions later, you have Laura and Livi, posion and stone to go up against, have fun" I say dismissing them
"shouldn't you be helping them?" Kat asks
"they'll be fine"
"will they?!" Kat snaps
"if your so concerned go help!" I say as my throat goes croaky and painful
"okay I will, drink some water" Kat says
I roll my eyes and teleport into the kitchen, I make myself a cup of water
"Amy, something came in the mail for ya!" Doggie calls from the living room
I walk out the kitchen and over to him
"thanks" I say still with a croaky voice
"are you okay?" he asks
I nod "sore throat" I mutter
I take the folder and sit on the sofa "you could be losing your voice" Doggie tells me as he sits beside me
I shrug and sip my water "this came from the police station" I say without opening it
"how do you know?" he asks
I open it carefully and pull out a file, I open that and take out the papers and read it "missing orphans" Doggie says reading over my head
I go to the next page "orphans found dead in river" he reads for me
I look at the Post-it note on the file and read it
"if packaging if lost and file is found, please send it straight to S.P.D Mansion, Amelia aka Sherlock Holmes will be there to solve this case" I mutter
"Sherlock?" Doggie asks
"yep, I'm Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, I helped with a murder case earlier, and said I was called Amelia, also known as Sherlock Holmes" I say
I feel the sharp pain in my throat as my phone rings. I pick up my phone and see who's calling "why is he calling you? And how?" Doggie asks
I shrug and answer the phone and put it speaker
"Amy, hi! I need help, it's uhm Lillian.... She isn't uhhhhhh human? Or like us, she hasn't been for the past 2 years," Terence says
"and? Oh and by the way your on speaker, my boyfriend is with me" I mutter
"she's dead and I'm scared" he says
I roll my eyes
"scared of the dead?" Doggie asks for me
"I guess" Terence replys
I hang up and curle up close to Doggie  and take a nap

10 minutes later
I wake up due to being shook
"ughhhhh" I groan
"wake up sleepy head" Doggie says to me
"I don't wanna"
"we've been requested to help"
I sigh and use my powers to change my outfit

I put on my boots and teleport my morpher to me"in all honesty I'd rather be asleep, I'm going out late, cuz of the case," I mutter as I put the case file away"you can sleep as soon as we get back, okay?"I nod "just know I ain't letting you get hu...

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I put on my boots and teleport my morpher to me
"in all honesty I'd rather be asleep, I'm going out late, cuz of the case," I mutter as I put the case file away
"you can sleep as soon as we get back, okay?"
I nod "just know I ain't letting you get hurt," I hiss
He nods and I teleport us to the others
"about time you two are here!" Red Ranger says
The rangers are in the floor in pain
"I was asleep" I reply
"if it isn't El-" Livi starts off
"Amelia, Queen Amelia" I butt in
"isn't the Royal family evil?" Luara asks
"my true parents are evil but I was raised up to be good, and to defeat evil" I growl
My green eyes change to red and I make eye contact with Luara and I bring out her bad memories she locked up causing her to scream in pain, she falls onto the floor holding her head. My eyes go back to green as a smirk goes into my face I then help the rangers onto their feet
"I don't see how we were needed, you pretty much interrupted my sleep for practically no reason" I say with a yawn. I fall asleep on my feet

I wake up a few hours later on the sofa to the sound of yelling, it's about my case and I don't think Kat is happy however I teleport to the new park near the mansion and sit on the re-furnished bench and hug my knees, I shut my eyes and see visions of my true parents, I snap out of it and see a book open on a spell page
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Let her flesh not be torn
Let his blood leave no stain though they beat her
Let her feel no pain
Let her bones never break
And however they try to destroy her
Let her never die
Let her never die
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka, eleka
What good is this chanting?
I don't even know what I'm reading
I don't even know which trick I ought to try
Fiyero, where are you?
Already dead, or bleeding?
One more disaster I can add to my
Generous supply?
No good deed goes unpunished
No act of charity goes unresented
No good deed goes unpunished
That's my new creed
My road of good intentions led where such roads always lead
No good deed goes unpunished
Doctor Dillamond
Fiyero, Fiyero!
One question haunts and hurts
Too much, too much to mention
Was I really seeking good
Or just seeking attention?
Is that all good deeds are when looked at with an ice-cold eye?
If that's all good deeds are
Maybe that's the reason why
No good deed goes unpunished
All helpful urges should be circumvented
No good deed goes unpunished
Sure, I meant well, well, look at what well-meant did
All right, enough, so be it, so be it, then
Let all Oz be agreed
I'm wicked through and through since I can not succeed
Fiyero, saving you
I promise no good deed will I attempt to do again
Ever again
No good deed will I do again!" I sing
[I'm well aware in the song it says he, you'll have to read the next chapter (I'd hope) to find out why I made it 'she' - Amy]

My hair goes black and my green eyes go blood red, I face the town and stand on the fence
"Amy!" Syd yells running down to the park. I shut my eyes then open them again, they're back to green. I face Syd still on the fence. It's not just Syd, it's Z, Sky and Eli
"Kat and Doggie are in an argument!" Eli crys out
"and? Should I care? As long as they don't kill each other it's okay" I growl
"Amis, your not yourself are you?" Sky asks
"im fine," I mutter jumping off the fence
"please help break it up!" Z says begging me
I sigh "fine"
We head up to the mansion and enter to the argument. I click my fingers and a huge ice wall separates them "THAT'S ENOUGH," I yell I take a breath and continue without yelling "I expected better of you" I growl
"sorry sister," Kat says apologising
"oh it isn't me who wants an apology, it's Doggie who needs it, your the one who started with, you can apologise to him," I hiss

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