Chapter 2

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I walk inside the mansion and I walk upstairs, down the long hallway leading to mine and Cruger room and enter it. I shut the door behind me, walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror to see my eyes are iced over and my skin is deadly pale. I just shrug, leave the bathroom and grab my coat before teleporting into the control room where I take a nap in my chair, this nap lasts roughly 3 and a half hours due to the crime alarm going off and I end up falling out the chair "shit," I mutter before getting up
"was you on the floor?" Kat asks
"eh? No" I mutter
"what's the issue?" Kat asks
"it appears to be Lillian, she brought Terence back to life but we destroyed the curse which is the good thing and no he isn't a zombie," I mutter
"you forgot A-Squad is on the lose" Kat says
"Ex A-Squad" I correct ad the Cadets run in
"Cadets, why are you late? For all you know the world could be getting exploded, which it isn't, however, you have the Ex A-Squad, Lillian and a back to life Terence, and no the curse isn't alive it perished," I snap
"Amelia, no offence, but we won't be able to take all of them down, we struggled with Ex A-Squad, we ended up using SWAT mode!" Sky exclaims
I press a button alerting the teens to come down
"I'm fully aware, however you won't be alone, Eliza, Skylar and Jake will be with you, they'll take care of Terence and Lillian while you take care of Ex A-Squad," I say when the teens are in the room
"it's to dangerous for them, they won't be able to defend themselves!" Z exclaims
Eliza holds her sword "that's where your wrong, yes I have a sword, however I'm not the only one with a weapon of sorts, we have a smaller weapon that will become something else. All 3 of us have been trained the elemental way, with the help of Amelia while Anubis Cruger was the commander, she knows what we're capable of and she's called on us because she believes in us as well as you, your her best Cadets, we're the second best," Eliza defends
"discuss this later, now GO!" I snap
They hurry on out
"Amy, dear, what did she mean by the 3 teens have a weapon that will become something else?" Cruger asks
I take my morpher off my belt
"this is the weapon she's in about" I say
"and when you activate it becomes something else!" Kat finishes
I clip it back on and clap at Kat's realisation "they took 3 morphers and made me keep it a secret which I do, plus I had forgotten about it after they finished training, that was way before Eli got her weapon, Water Ranger, Rose Ranger and Void Ranger. I have no clue why they're named that way but that's all I can say, it's all I'm aware of," I mutter
"Amis, your aware that you're pale as snow, right?" Kat asks
I hum in reply as I sit on my seat and going back to sleep

20 minutes later

I wake up to Kat poking me with her nails "now your awake, B-Squad has kinda gotten caught by the ex a-squad oh and the teens got taken elsewhere by Lillian and Terence"
"we also have no clue where either of them are," Cruger responds
"that's okay," I mutter as I get off my seat and walk out, they follow me to the quad bike and motor bikes are, I get on my motorbike and drive out, I assume that Kat got on the other and Cruger on his Quad bike
"ai, track Eliza Carson" I mutter
"locating" the ai says for 5 minuets straight
"anything?" Kat asks ata red light
"Eliza Carson, Jake Tate and Skylar Tate have been located, out to sea on an island," the ai says
I charge directions and speed down the street turning on my police sirens and drive down to the docks and press my keys, my truck appears by me with the door/ramp lowering down, I drive in when it's down and the other two do the same I turn the siren off and walk to my seat. I press a button causing the stands to appear with chairs allowing them to sit down, I press another button and the door/ramp go up. I pull down a panel before sitting down and driving into the sea at full speed, I stand up and pull the lever down turning on my jets. The steering wheel becomes a steering wheel for plans with triggers and I sit back down and fly out the water and to the island
I get up out of my seat and put it on autopilot and walk to a door and open it
"Amy, where are you goin?" Kat asks
"I need a change of outfit" and then the door shuts on the other two

I then walk out "I'm back" "welcome back darling," Cruger says welcoming me back"I'm glad you two are back together again" Kat mutters quietly"landing on the island now, shields are up at 100%" the ai callsI grab my morpher and sword knowing that ...

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I then walk out "I'm back"
"welcome back darling," Cruger says welcoming me back
"I'm glad you two are back together again" Kat mutters quietly
"landing on the island now, shields are up at 100%" the ai calls
I grab my morpher and sword knowing that my guns will be on my suit "got what you need?" I ask as the plan lands with a thud from the landing feet
"yep" Kat and Cruger say
I walk to the door that the quad bike and motorbikes are by and walk down the ramp with Kat and Doggie behind me on either side
"if it isn't S.P.D...... And my lovely ex" Terence says with a smirk
"yeah will I truly hope you remember the guy who saved me from you" I say
"oh the stupid Sirrian, god I hated him," Terence groans
"who is the Sirrian you on about?" Lillian asks
"I believe his name is Anubis Cruger, but the Sirrian are gone," Terence tells Lillian
"so Terence, there's one Sirrian remaining, and that's Anubis 'Doggie' Cruger, the guy who saved me from you and he's my boyfriend," I say glaring at Terence
Terence growls while I glance around and see a large cage with the teens screaming for help just to get silenced by Lillian. Terence battles Cruger and Lillian battles Kat, they clearly forgot about me as I just walked carefully over to the cage, dis-armed the bomb and tore the gate off allowing the teens out. I walk behind Lillian and hit her with the metal gate knocking her down, I then drop it on her before running and karate kicking Terence into a wall "you okay dear?" I ask Cruger
"yeah am fine, how the the teens?"
"we're great, thanks for asking," Skylar says hugging Cruger, Jake and Eliza follow suit. I watch as Terence runs to help Lillian up
"your gonna be going to jail," I growl
Lillian rolls her eyes and Terence runs at me but I trip him up. Kat is judging Lillian so I pull out my morpher "Judgement time!"
"you are being charged for bring a curse to life, kidnapping, abuse, murder of 19 elements and attempt of murder of my old friend Vivi!" I say watching as Terence begs just for it to be has the red x meaning guilty "you're found Guilty!"
"I-it m-must have lied!"
"they don't lie" I whisper before putting him into a containment card. I pick it up and walk into the plane

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