Chapter 18

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I sit by Doggie were both at the very back out of the others sight ready to leave. My dad and Kat walk down the red carpet as the sun lowers and the floor glows causing it to make it seem like Kat is glowing. I glance at Doggie to see he's shaking but it isn't that noticable, I put my hand on his and lean on him "it's okay, we'll leave soon to go back to the sea" I whisper
"thanks love, maybe someday I'll be over it" he whispers before kissing my cheek before watching at the couple say their vows, then I do before kissing
"mah little sister is married" I mumble
"and before you" he says poking me
I roll my eyes, I wait for everybody to follow the new wedded couple out before I lead him back to the sea and somehow, we wasn't noticed
We lay on the soft warm sand, my head rests on his chest
"I do have a question, how do you put up with me, I get into danger so much," I mutter
"because dear, you get into danger for a good cause"
I smile "don't forget that I love you and always will, even if there is a time you want to move on from me, I'll always love you" I say
"I love you too dear, plus I won't be moving from you for a long time, trust me" he tells me
I smile

30 minutes later
I watch as fireworks from by the beach
"why are they using fireworks?" Doggie asks
"no clue, however we should probably return to Earth soon" I say
"yeah, Broodwing might get up to trouble while Grumm is elsewhere" Doggie says
I sit up then stand up. I hold a hand out to him
I kiss him "let's go"
I use my powers to make a stair case from the cliff face and walk up them as soon as I reach the top where the wedding party is I get picked up and taken back to the jet and put down on my feet
I click my fingers causing the sofa to come out of the wall and I sit on it, Cruger sits beside me "what's the time?"
"that is a good question, uhm" I reply before checking my watch "only 7:45" I add on with a yawn
"tired?" he asks
I nod "haven't slept for the past 3 days" I mutter
He pulls me close and lays down "then sleep here" he whispers still holding me so I wouldn't leave even though I could teleport if I was bothered which I'm not, I end up falling asleep

Kat's POV
I walk over to mum "have you seen Amy?"
"I think she walked away from the party with Cruger, hadn't seen them after they walked out, sorry sweetie" mum replys
"darn it, I was gonna thank her for this" I mumble
"thank her in the morning, for all we know she could have fallen asleep, she did look very tired" mum tells me
I nod and walk to find Syd
"Syd! Have you seen Amy?" I ask
"yeah, she went jet not long ago" she replys with a shrug
"thanks, I'll go see her later if she's awake," I reply before looking for Boom
I get a tap on my arm so I turn around to see Laura so I bend down to be at her hight "yes?" I ask
"sissy, you look beautiful! Also I heard you was trying to find Amy and Syd replayed with the jet so I went and looked uhm, I found her and uhn what's-his-name? The blue dog.." Laura says
"the blue dog is called Anubis, or as well call him Doggie, he's Amy's boyfriend, anyways continue with that you were saying" I say with a smile
"ohhh okie, anyways, their fast asleep, and it's so adorable" Laura squeals
I giggle "thanks for telling me sis" I stand back up and return to look for Boom, turns out he was with Sky and the two of them are drunk, Jack and Bridge are with them but talking to one and other
"hello you 4" I say
"hi Kat" Jack and Bridge say in sync
"I was gonna say, we're probably gonna be leaving tomorrow, so if you could pack your stuff and refrain from entrantering then Jet until tomorrow that'll be great" I say with a smile as I hug my husband
"why can't we go in the jet?" Sky asks
"Doggie and Amy are in there sleeping, we might end up waking them up and we all know how Cruger reacts..." I mutter
"let's wake them up!" Sky says not caring on what I said
I watch as Sky drags Jack to the jet
"we better stop them, Boom my advice is to head to the castle, drink water and sleep" Bridge says before chasing after Sky and Jack
"party's over, return to the castle, pack and go bed," I call before running after the 3 boys 2 have made it to the jet and entered

Amy's POV
I feel sudden movements before it goes still, my guess is Doggie moved and left me on the sofa as the next thing I hear is him yelling. I've snapped awake and gotten up
"THAT'S ENOUGH ALREADY" I growl meanfully. If you saw my eyes you could tell they're red
Sadly this became an argument, I was unheard, both Bridge and Kat joined in and that's were my fuse shattered, I glow a bit knowing my nightmare has awoken however I'm glowing red with rage and fire.
I growl in rage before screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE THERE IS CONSEQUENCES AND IT MIGHT NOT END WELL" I get all of their attention
"o-okay s-she pissed o-off" Kat stutters afraid of me
"thank you!" I growl
I let them recover from shock, I don't usually snap so it can be scary when it's unexpected
"Go to bed... Oh and Sky, I want your morpher by 10 am, I'm taking it for the week might teach you a lesson" I hiss
Sky hands me his morpher since he already has it before Bridge, Jack and Kat take Sky to his room
"well that was unexpected of you dear" Doggie says
"what part? The scream?" I ask
I see him nod from the corner of my eye
"ya'll were to blame, I tried getting you'll to shut up the first time never works, my fuse broke and I had my outburst" I explain as I put Sky's morpher away
"I can hear high pitched frequencies but somehow I can never seem to hear you yell unless your screaming," he says hugging me from behind
"yeah well perhaps if you were aware I wasn't asleep, I woke when you moved, and listened for a female yell before Kat joins in the argument you could have shut the entire argument down" I simply reply
"or maybe I should be a better boyfriend" he responds
"excuse me! But you are a better boyfriend, your the one who tries saving me from danger or stopping me from walking into danger instead of putting me in the hands of death" I say reminding him of who nearly murdered me years ago
"that's true but-"
"no buts you are an amazing boyfriend and I'm lucky to have you as a boyfriend, end of!" I snap
"aww" he says
I smile before remembering it's around 10pm "can we go back to sleep, I'll be in a mood in the morning and it's worse then what you guys saw," I mutter
"yeah that's fine with me"
We walk back to the sofa, I lay close to Doggie and drift off to sleep

The next day
I'm the first one to wake up however and stay close to him because he's warm and I don't have anything to do in all honesty
I hear as the jet door opens, I also hear whispers and quiet footprints, they don't stay long so I don't bother to look who it is
"you do know its kinda time to wake up" I mutter
"is it though?" Cruger groans
"yeah it is" I say before kissing his cheek
"I don't want to get up tho Amy"
I get up and drag him off the sofa and leave him on the cold floor "you'll be a trip hazard there, depending if you want to get up" I say as I sit in my seat and put my feet on his chair he usually uses in my zord/vehicles. I watch as he finally gets onto his  "I hate you" he mutters
"hmm that statement is quite wrong, you love me but you a bit annoyed that I put you on a cold floor"
"why do you to be correct?" he ask
"Well no idea but if you hated me, you'd have broken up with me and probably killed me that way" I say
He takes in what I said before walking over, moving my feet off his chair and sitting on it "and I won't let that happen Amy so don't worry about it for a while you don't need to be concerned if you know that I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice"
I smile at him "I know Doggie"
We chill out in the jet until the others come in ready to leave
"Commander, when can I have my morpher back?" Sky asks
"in a week, its teaching you a lesson" I reply
Sky grunts "give me attitude and its for a month, your choice Sky"
I watxh as the others board "oh yeah Amy, mother said we have to look after Laura" Kat tells me
I roll my eyes and turn my chair back to the controls and take off, I go into hyper jump a few solar systems leaving Earth ahead of us. I then fly towards Earth and land under the mansion
"we're here" I say walking ti the draw Sky's morpher is in and I take it before picking up Laura even though she's 13 and can walk for herself. I put her down in the rec room and give her a fully charged ipad before walking out
I see Sky talking to Cruger about how unfair I'm being however he isn't fully listening causing Sky to shout "Schuyler!" I snap
I watch as Sky turns to face me in fear
"y-yes?" he asks
"you can apologise to Cruger, oh and your gonna be with him training, sword fighting" I say walking past
"why?" Sky asks
"Jack did it, if Bridge becomes Red Ranger he'll do it someday, so get over it" I say before walking off

A week later - 3am
The door of mine and Doggies room opens which wakes me up, thankfully Doggie is still asleep
"Amy... I can't sleep" Laura whispers
I roll my eyes, get up and get dressed, I walk out the door and quietly shut the door "get dressed we're gonna go for a walk" I say quietly
She nods and walks to her room, her room isn't far from mine since I know she'll end up walking to it during the night. She returns and we walk out the mansion quickly and quietly, we get down the hill
"My momma use to say
"Baby make me proud
You've got such a pretty face
But such a dirty mouth"
But how come when I tell you
What's on my mind like men do
I'm called crazy?
This is not a love song
This is not a sing along
But ladies, are you with me?
I know that you're with me
Add a little sugar, they say
Be a little sweeter, they say
Gotta give and take, but I say
This time it's my way, ah, my way
Be a little proper, they say
Speak a little softer, they say
Gotta be a lady, but I say
This time it's my way, ah, my way
(My way, my way, my way)
This time it's my way, ah, my way
(My way, my way, my way)
This time it's my way, ah, my way
I'll do me
You do you
I don't need nobody's permission
I won't back down
Win or lose
Oh yeah, one and only limited edition (yeah)
This is not a love song
This is not a sing along
But ladies, are you with me?
I know that you're with me
Add a little sugar, they say
Be a little sweeter, they say
Gotta give and take, but I say
This time it's my way, ah, my way
Be a little proper, they say
Speak a little softer, they say
Gotta be a lady, but I say
This time it's my way, ah, my way
This time it's my way, ah, my way
This time it's my way, ah, my way
This time it's my way, ah, my way
This time it's my way, ah, my way"
Laura stares at me with a smile from how I sing and she squeals

"Amy!" Skylar says
I hum in reply
"I need to be confused by something, I thought you might know something" she says
I smirk "One bright day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise, ran up to save the two dead boys
If you don’t believe this tale is true,
Ask the blind man; he saw it, too." I walk off after seeing the confusion plastered all over her face

A New Hope: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now