Chapter 21

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I return to the room and curl up in bed, if you felt my skin it was cold.
"sissy, are you okay?" Laura asks
"mmmm yeah" I respond sitting up and patting the bed to my 13 thousand year old sister who sits beside me
"just a random question since nearly all the adults are married" Laura asks
I hum to let her continue
"say if Doggie was to ask you to marry him, what would you do?" she asks ever so innocently
"only the future knows what I'd do"
"fair enough, didnt expect that answer" she says
"I wish we had Kat here, then we'd have family time"
"yeah well she has her own family to attend to" I mutter
"she seems off in my opinion"
I hum in agreement she did seem off the other day
"perhaps she is going though something"
"soon we'll find out" I say
"oh and I'm sorry for being annoying a day ago" Laura says
"it's okay, why did you ask me the question and don't pretend that you don't know what I'm on about"
"I might have asked him if you would ask you to marry him... He only said and I quote 'if the time is right however the future knows more then I do at this given time... Maybe sooner than later, I'm not sure but only the future knows what's ahead' so there is a possibility that some time soon he'll ask you!" Laura says
"You do realise she can't keep things to herself"
I look up to see Doggie is here, so I pat the bed on his side getting him to come over and sit beside us
"I can! I'm keeping one at the moment" Laura says as Cruger sits by me and hugs me
My eyes glow green and I make contact with Laura and I look to see what she's hiding. My eyes stop glowing "yeah well you have a 14 year old boyfriend, named Bredon and an annoying ex who is now your school bully Levinson"
"has she done this before?" Laura asks
"a few times when we were younger," he says
"yeah well I had to make you let go of me after I got my answer from your mind dafty"
He groans in memory of it however I snicker at it
"your so adorable together!" Laura squeals letting a tear roll down her face with happiness
"we're aware of that" Cruger says
"yeah and your warm" I mutter quietly
"are you aware Kat's acting a bit off?" Laura asks
"she is?" Cruger asks
Laura nods "dunno why"
"she's pregnant with a baby girl but neither she or Boom is aware yet" I say aloud instead of in my head
"wait What?" Laura asks
"nothing Laura" I mutter
Laura nods and walks out
"if Kat and Boom are unaware, how do you know?"
"simple Doggie, same trick except my eyes where shut therefore I can detect something nobody is aware of, I only do it if somebody is acting off, I hardly do it"
He nods and keeps me close to him "it's understandable" he mutters resting his head on my shoulder
We end up falling asleep for the rest of the day... Well most of the day until the crime alarm goes off around 6-7pm waking us up, I teleports us to the control room after I've sorted out my outfit
"what's happening?" I ask with a yawn
"Kat, Lisa and Jack went for a walk for a bit, they never returned, they got kidnapped!" Sky informs
I faceplam myself "of course" I mumble
"Rangers, be careful and call for back up if necessary" Cruger says
"yes sir!" they call in sync before running out
"I'm gonna pay c-squad a visit, they should be in the rec room if I'm correct" I tell him
"I'll keep an eye on them from here"
"thanks darling!" I run out and to the rec room, guess what, they're playing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare somehow entertaining Laura
"haha yes another win!" Eli says
"how are you so good at this game?" Jake asks
"I've played it many times when you guys are out, oh hi Amy" Eli says looking up
"hello Cadets and Laura... I'm aware your 19 years old and are free to do what you want, however as C-squad your slowly progressing to B-squad but your missing two members of your team, I've decided if you can train Laura very well and she is good in your fights she will be a member of your squad," I say
"great, we've also discussed since Skylar, Void Ranger, has a purple suit I've classed her as our Yellow Ranger, Eli is Pink, I'm Blue so we're missing red and green" Jake explains
"understood, please go to the simulation room with Laura and train her to the best as you can... If B-squad gets caught you'll be sent to fight without Laura" I sternly say
"yes ma'am!" they say in sync
"I'm gonna be a Ranger?!" Laura gasps
"if you pass, Skylar you'll be keeping tabs on this maybe record somehow and inform me later" I say
She nods and they leave forgetting about turning off the xbox and TV so I do it for them before leaving to the command room
"any... And he's gone" I mutter rolling my eyes
I watch the fight from the control room also watching the simulation room secretly, I notice how they're training her and its easy on her however they keep changing it after she passes one stage. I return my attention to the fight watching as a few of B-squad fight along side Cruger  just to be thrown down. I see who it is
'Scar, you've grown to powerful... I hope I can take you down' I think to myself not hearing the doors open
"Commander Violetta, we have good news" Skylar announces
"what is it?" I ask
"we've trained her very well, she's proven herself worthy of herself... It didn't take long to train this one, it seems she's been fighting before... I'm not sure though" Eli replys
"I'll give her a chance to fight along side you, I'll have her a morpher ready for next week. Laura I need you to focus on your powers, with that you can fight in your elemental suit for now. Now go!" I say
They run out, I watch the camera again to see Scar hurting B-squad, tears roll down my face as I watch it happen

20 minutes later
I watch as Scar takes down C-Squad, I have to do something and fast so I grab my ear piece in case I have to morph up and teleport to the battle field behind a fall tree. I roll and stand behind a tree
"hahaha, now I shall take you down once and for all!" Scar laughs raising her hand up, about to lash it down, as she does I put up a wind shield blocking the attack
"you won't be hurting them anymore Scar" I yell making my voice echo
I then step out of hiding and jump down landing beside the Cadets and Cruger
"well I'll have to take you down before killing the others!" Scar cackles allowing me to send an ice blast throwing her into a cave
"you guys okay?" I ask as I make the cave become blocked
"just about" Cruger groans
I get onto my knees next to him "keep an eye out for Scar" I mutter as I find his wound and place my hand on it, I can tell it hurts as he tenses up "calm down its gonna be okay Doggie" I say calmly keeping my hand on the wound.
"Commander the cave!" Bridge crys out
I turn my head to it and blast the rocks causing them to fall into the cave blocking it off for a bit longer. I turn my attention back to Cruger wound "you shouldn't have left without telling me!" I hiss
"sorry, they were in need of help" he mutters
"understandable" I reply
"you've got cold hands now" he gasps in shock
"stay calm, it's cold for a reason it's a sign of healing not freezing" I reply
He sighs "thanks dear" he whispers
With my spare hand I hold his hand tight "your gonna be okay" I say calmly. I move my hand off his wound and let go of his hand "see healed" I say with a smile
"thank you dear"
I face the cave to see Scar is finally free and walking over to us.l,before she can do anything I spray her in the face causing her to pass out. She gets judged and put into a containment card while I check everybody else to see how bad their wounds are, thankfully they're not bleeding so they won't need medical attention. I return to my boyfriend's side
"be careful when moving, I may of healed it but it still has to heal what broke under the skin where your wound was" I say
I teleport B and C-squad to the living room and us two to our room where I change into pj's "need help or are you fine?" I ask
"a bit of help please" he says
I walk over to him and help him out of his outfit before throwing his pj's at him "you won't need my help now" I say giggling before getting into bed, he changes and gets into bed, I lay close to him and fall asleep

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