Chapter 9

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I turn to the ones who kinda forced me to return "is that it?" I ask
"uhm, what were you singing? We heard a bit of it" Sky asks
I pick up a picture of me, Lisa, Kat and 'Lillian' only some people know the meaning of it, what's the point of singing it again when you won't understand it?"I ask as I harshly put down the picture
"Amy! Careful!" Kat snaps
I roll my eyes
"Kat, Amelia was singing a song in the park near by, but she's refusing to repeat it," Syd says
I walk upstairs and into mine and Doggies room then into my half of the wardrobe. I pick out a purple blouse and some jeans as well my "running boots" aka my knee high black boots. I leave the room and descend downstairs
"Amy, they're just gonna beg you this evening" Kat says
"oh will they? Haha funny that, I won't be HERE this evening, I'll be back by dawn" I harshly say as I walk the sofa and sit down
I read an old book "fine, if your so desperate to hear it then shut up" I sigh
I listen for talking, however it dies down, I feel them looking at me, I hear footsteps of Lisa and Jack's on the landing, their watching from the landing. I face them still looking at the book
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Let her flesh not be torn
Let his blood leave no stain though they beat her
Let her feel no pain
Let her bones never break
And however they try to destroy her
Let her never die
Let her never die
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka, eleka
What good is this chanting?
I don't even know what I'm reading
I don't even know which trick I ought to try
Fiyero, where are you?
Already dead, or bleeding?
One more disaster I can add to my
Generous supply?
No good deed goes unpunished
No act of charity goes unresented
No good deed goes unpunished
That's my new creed
My road of good intentions led where such roads always lead
No good deed goes unpunished
Nessa" I look up at Lisa then look at Kat
"Doctor Dillamond" i look at the photo of Kat, Lisa, me and 'Lillian' in a witches outfit, not on Halloween, on Elementia during the war
"Fiyero, Fiyero!
One question haunts and hurts
Too much, too much to mention
Was I really seeking good
Or just seeking attention?
Is that all good deeds are when looked at with an ice-cold eye?
If that's all good deeds are
Maybe that's the reason why
No good deed goes unpunished
All helpful urges should be circumvented
No good deed goes unpunished
Sure, I meant well, well, look at what well-meant did
All right, enough, so be it, so be it, then
Let all Oz be agreed
I'm wicked through and through since I can not succeed
Fiyero, saving you
I promise no good deed will I attempt to do again
Ever again
No good deed will I do again!" I sing
Lisa descends down the stairs and leans close to me "what happened to Fiyero?" she whispers
I teleport the photo of the 4 of us to me and Lisa, "she called you Nessa, Kat was called Doctor Dillamond, I was Elphaba no clue why I think they were her friends names or something she gave to us, however she's Lillian Rose, Terence said she died 2 years ago, she isn't, he's scared of what is gonna happen to her, theyre a thing. He finds out I'm Sherlock Holmes and phones telling me about this" I explain putting the photo back before facing the door and continuing talking to Lisa "so the only logical thing left to do is come here and beg for my help even though he still wants me, I'd highly recommend keeping him far from me and Doggie, in case he decided he'd want to attack him"
The doorbell rings
"would you like me to get that for you?" Lisa asks
"yeah if you don't mind"
Lisa rolls her eyes and walks to the door "Cadets, you have training today, why are you still here?" I ask
"we wasn't told?" Bridge asks
"we have it everyday except if it's the weekends or if she's feeling nice" Syd says
"your training the 3 members of C-Squad, now go, Kat go be an assistant for them" I say shooing them off, the teens follow their parents
"should I let the bitch in?" Lisa asks
"nada" I mutter as I walk to Doggie and put my head on his shoulder
"Terence get out!" Lisa says tryi g to get him back outside
I move slightly behind Doggie so he remains in the way
"you heard her. Get. Out" he growls
I watch as they have a staring contest, I walk away from them and I walk to Lisa "he has fear," he whispers
"he's either afraid of him or something worse" I whisper
"what do you mean by Lillian being dead" I coldly ask
"she was murdered what else do I need to say?" he asks facing me and Lisa
"I think she's asking for the truth" Lisa says
"but... It is!"
"okay, you want to play the hard game then, hard for you in other words" I say with a quiet growl
"how is it hard for me?" he asks as Cruger walks over to me and Lisa
"because you can't stop her from doing it" Anubis says for me
"she can also look through any of your memories or other things if needs be" Lisa says
"doubt she can," he says laughing his head off
My eyes flash red and he screams in pain "oh don't challenge me I can burn you inside out"
My eyes go blood red and so does his. I find a private section in his mind and find out there's part of what I need. I look at it, he's blind he can't tell her is the witch from Elementia, I also take her address and snap of out off the link "now get out"
He doesn't move an inch so I teleport him
"he needs to learn to tell the truth" I whisper as I sit on the sofa and nap

I wake up still on the sofa, I get up and grab my long coat
"where are you going?" Kat asks
"Amy, you've been asleep practically all afternoon and now your leaving?!" Kat exclaims
"she has her reasons, just get over it it" Z says
"thank you, Z"
I walk out

Kat's POV
"Where's she going?" I ask
"orphanage, murders happening there, she thinks they happen at night," Anubis says
"that's her case?" I ask
He nods
"we should leave her to it, we could distract her" Sky says

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