Chapter 11

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I walk outside and walk down the path from the mansion
"Amy, we're coming with ya, nobody else is up" Lisa says
I grunt in response and leap down the hill and onto the path under the hill, I wait for the other 2 who don't take long to catch up to me, I cross the street and walk through the market stalls and to the better houses, I stop letting them find me and I shut my eyes to remember the house number. 66A.
"we're here" Lisa says to me
I nod and walk to find 66A which ends up being the last house on the street. I run up the steps
"if she doesn't answer in 3 I'm gonna blast the door open" I say
I knock on the door pretty hard and loud. I hear shouting, female shouting, the door opens
"why are you here?" Lillian asks
"reasons," I mutter walking in
Lillian sighs "come on in then" she says
I lean on the banister as the other two enter, I watch as Lillian talk to Cruger in a sweet voice and it makes me feel sick "Lillian leave him alone he won't go back to you and I'm aware you have a boyfriend" I say glaring at her
"oh really," Lillian says with a laugh
"yes, I'm back with Cruger plus Terence was here around 9am today I can tell because he's left his trainers here clearly gone out for a bit, he's left his coat so he's coming back soon" I say glancing around
"okay that's enough, how do you know this?" Lillian asks
"she's Sherlock Holmes" Doggie says
I nod "indeed I am, your boyfriend came to me saying your dead, he was clearly afraid of what was gonna happen to you" I say
"yeah well people from out of space are after me" Lillian explains
"I don't blame the elemental police they've been after you for a long time Fiyero, but do you know why?" I ask
"wait... How the fuck do you know?" Lillian asks grabbing me by the arm
I bite her arm and she lets go of me
"photo, me, you Lisa and Kat" I bluntly say
I walk over to Doggie and Lisa, Lillian looks confused about what I said but I don't see her face due to the fact my back is facing her
"Lillian, wipe that look of your face, it doesn't suit ya" I say leaning on Doggie
She rolls her eyes "so what? I can be 'dead' if I want to, there's nothing you can do about it"
"yeah well I can put you on the ground and you wouldn't be getting back up if I wanted to however I'm not gonna because I know I would be stopped" I snarl

Half an hour of hell later

I walk out the house and walk to the beach, I walk near the rocks and come across a cave so I enter it, I use my powers to create a light and walk around for a bit. I walk to the entrance of the cave to see both Krybots and Rangers fighting, Terence and Lillian are there watching the fight and laughing
'I bet they were trying to contact me' I think to myself
I watch as Red and Blue Rangers get thrown into the sea and the Green Ranger going to save them I see the Rangers getting thrown down by magic
"are we just gonna stand here and watch this?!"
"you will not come back out, and no I will help them in a moment" I mutter
I teleport behind Terence and Lillian, I throw them into the sea. I make ice spikes come out the ground and stabbing half of the Krybots
"Commander, why didn't you answer?" Yellow Ranger asks
"you called? I was exploring a cave" I bluntly reply
"uhm I don't think the boys have returned" Pink Ranger says
I click my fingers and the sea spits them out
"yeh they have"
The sea drags the Krybots into the darkest part
I watch as they power down, Z and Syd rush to the boys while I walk over to Cruger "I really think they have to up their game, they have training for a reason and they never seem to know why its there"
He chuckles before pulling me close to him just to hug me tight so being a good girlfriend I return the hug and kiss his cheek
"I think they'll manage to get back without our help, it's not like they're badly hurt" Doggie says resting his head on my head, thankfully my ears hadn't popped up
"yeh well, when did I become a personal resting post?" I ask with a giggle
"I'm sorry being 2 inches taller then you" he says with scarasm causing me to laugh
"oh stop it, otherwise you'll be carrying me back cause I can't stop laughing" I say snickering
Without warning he picks me up and walks off the beach, I look at him with a smile and lean close to him
"oh, next time your gonna suddenly pick me up will I'm awake, at least give me a small warning" I mummer
He just hums in reply so I gather he's okay with it or at least he should be
I see the hill my mansion rests upon. I get carried up the hill and inside the house before getting placed gently on my feet
"thank you darlin'" I say with a genuine smile
"it's okay dear, plus I was just helping you out there" he says
"your all I could ever ask you" I mutter quietly before pulling him upstairs and to our calm quiet room, I let go of him and stand on a spinney chair with wheels
"what are you even doing??" Doggie asks me
I don't reply instead I stand on one of the chair arms shakily and before I could fall off the chair I get picked up off the chair arm just as I was slipping off. I lean into him "thanks darling" I mutter
We lay on the bed, me close to him for warmth and because he's adorable

Next day - 1pm
I walk around the town to hear screaming, so being how I am I walk towards to screaming while others run the other way. I see Lillian crying on her knees in chains, Terence yelling, my eyes glance to see who he's yelling at and I realise it's the elemental police. I become a shadow and walk to Lillian, I break the lock while a shadow before going to my normal form and teleporting her and myself to the beach
"why did you save me?!" Lillian asks still crying
"their after you, they know who you are" I reply before kneeling down and wiping away her tears before continuing "we might not see eye to eye but your forgetting its my job to keep people safe, even if I hate them it's my instinct to do so"
"t-thank y-you" she whispers
"your not safe here, you need to leave this planet, leave with Terence. Don't return until they're gone for good" I say teleporting Terence here and oping a portal to 4 solar systems away "cause trouble and I'll hunt you 2 down" I growl before shoving them into the portal and shutting it. I walk along the beach and climb up some rocks then I walk carefully over them nearly slipping a few times before walking to the end of the rock cliff and lay down in the sun feeling free, I use my powers to change my outfit so if I wanted to I can go into the sea without worrying

 I walk along the beach and climb up some rocks then I walk carefully over them nearly slipping a few times before walking to the end of the rock cliff and lay down in the sun feeling free, I use my powers to change my outfit so if I wanted to I c...

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I text Kat letting her know where I am  for the time being before teleporting my phone to my room and listening to the waves crashing over the rocks and splashing me a bit, I tilt my head to the right just to see Lisa and Jack, one of the 3 married couple, then I see the rest of S.P.D
'they so didn't have to come here' I think to myself
I stand up on the rocks and front flip onto the sea and swim to the section their at, when I get their I stand up and walk over to them
"Hey guys, didn't know you'll were gonna be here," I say with a small giggle
Eliza jumps at me so I pick her up and chuck her into the sea, I watch as Lisa walks over carefully then tries to walk a way from me slightly however I grab her arm pulling her to me and whisper in her ear" you thought you could escape me, huh Mrs Landers" then I throw her head first into the sea before walking into the sea before anyone tries to get me, the others join me in the sea, Jack throws me in further however I manage to keep a form grip on his arm taking him down with me, I let go of him and surface up before diving back under and swimming to the others again
"you good Amy?" Kat asks
"no blood, all good" I say
"good" Kat says hugging me
I decide to dunk her as soon as she let's go

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