Chapter 17

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It's been a week since I left Earth to protect Elementia, yes the new one, duh, Grumm hasn't left sadly so we haven't had the wedding however I've gotten Kat's new dress and her veil from Lexi which is great.
"if it isn't S.P.D" Grumm says for the millionth time this week
"I swear that's what every single enemy S.P.D has faced said, like its getting old" Syd groans
"this time I will take you down with some help" Grumm says laughing as a portal appears, both Lillian and Terence step out
"oh for crying out loud" Z mumbles
I just watch from a high place, nobody has seen me yet but then again, I do have my little sister, a 13 thousand year old to look after, I've managed to take the remote from the jet, I've also noticed the Jet has dropped the metal box a few meters behind the enemy, the same place Lana and I are, I jump out from the trees, I carefully and gently land on the box, Lana lands next to the box but stands beside me on the box
"oi, boney!" Lana yells getting Grumms attention
"want this box and it's remote?" I ask
Grumm laughs "ah so you've given up"
"oh, no we haven't, we've just asked you a nice easy question, so answer it!" Lana snaps
"silence fool, isn't it obvious to what I want?! The Destoryer will help me in all kinds of ways, you might as well hand it over and surrender now" Grumm says before telling Terence and Lillian to get the box
I wait until they get close before sending out an ice blast holding them back, this is the same one as when I got pissed of at Kat when on the stairs. I then focus on making the box float a bit before landing it in front of my friends and family. I hop of the box
"ya see, this planet is my territory, your on it and guess what, I can get you off it quicker then you counting to 10,I'd be very careful with what you do because KARMA IS A BITCH!" I say until my nightmare side yells 4 words,because it hasn't had time to rest fully, it's still half demon, half nightmare and it takes over makig it hard to tell what I am now

 I hop of the box"ya see, this planet is my territory, your on it and guess what, I can get you off it quicker then you counting to 10,I'd be very careful with what you do because KARMA IS A BITCH!" I say until my nightmare side yells 4 words,beca...

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(here skin is black and rough if you felt it, she has her messy nightmare hair, including her nightmare wolf ears, her eyes are glowing red, because her nightmare from changed into its true form which is the demon form when it's without Amy, she has demon horns on her head but she doesn't have wings since it's a demon they can't fly)

Grumm just laughs and sends Terence and Lillian to stop us however Lillian fights Grumm instead
"oh Amelia, why don't you just..." Terence says before I blast him into the ocean, quite far I then think of something calm allowing myself to return to normal
"you okay?" Lisa asks
I nod before portalling Grumm, Lillian and Terence solar systems away before passing out

2 days later

I wake up and fall off the bed "ow" I bluntly say before getting back up. I look outside and see its the afternoon, my mum walks in
"glad to see your awake honey, would you like to help sort out the wedding, Kat and Boom are with your boyfriend down at the sea front, thankfully out of sight" mum says
"they took Lana didn't they?" I ask knowing it's a yes before walking out with mums assistant
"this looks terrible" I say laughing
"it's hard to remake something from a photo" Lisa says
I roll my eyes and jester for them to move, I then use the power of the wind to move everything into place

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