Chapter 15

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My eyes change to black then back to green, somehow this catches my mums attention "uhm Amy, can I have a word with you alone on the roof?"
I nod getting out of Cruger grip and walk up what seems like 17 million flights of stairs which is just 6 flights of stairs to the roof, I pause as my eyes flash black then green before continuing I get to the roof.
"mother what's wrong?" I ask
"it's not me, it's you any, your eyes they went black" mum says
My eyes go black and stay like it "Amy isn't here anymore"
Yes, that's my nightmare side growing in Power After sensing Grumm being here
"she is!" mother says crossing her arms
"Let me introduce myself..."
I hear my mother scream for my dad as my nightmare form takes over fully, it holds her by the throat
"you didn't think I was done... Did ya? Well, I just began having my fun"
"LET go of me" mother crys out as dad and the others enter the roof, I throw her at my dad's feet
'baby!' I think
"some people live for attention"
My nightmare form uses my powers causing it to split from me, now it's free and it looks nothing like me, just a tall black demon
"playing victim"
"but baby I WAS BORN TO DO THE Killing I see how you're going crazy..
Always thinkin' bout' me
Baby on the daily..
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me
I roll my eyes and go to walk back by it grabs me tightly causing tears to stream from my eyes
"Funny how you think I'm bothered
Know I'm nothing like the others
You shouldn't have messed with me, 'cuz I heard..."
"That you're afraid of monsters. (Monsters!)

Are you ready for the monster? (Monster) ((x3))
You ain't ready for the monster. (Monster)"
"I'm just being me
Cut out the things that I don;'t need
And I don't care if you disagree
Winning the game on my own"
"I see how you're going crazy..
Always thinkin' bout' me
Baby on the daily..
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me
"Funny how you think I'm bothered
Know I'm nothing like the others
You shouldn't have messed with me, 'cuz I heard..."
"That you're afraid of monsters. (Monsters!)

Are you ready for the monster? (Monster) ((x3))
You ain't ready for the monster. (Monster)"
"ah.. It could have been so different between us" I get free from her grip and stand with the others "But then you went and messed everything up

This is the last time
I'm gonna tell you now
If you try to break me

Baby, I'm done with you
Not coming back for you. (You)"
"(Let me introduce myself...)"
"It's..Funny how you think I'm bothered
Know I'm nothing like the others
You shouldn't have messed with me, 'cuz I heard...That you're afraid of monsters. (Monsters!)

Are you ready for the monster? (Monster) ((x3))
You ain't ready for the monster. (Monster)"

"Amy, are you okay?" Kat asks hugging me, I return the hug
"her neck doesn't look that well, it's a bit bloody" Boom points out
I put my hand on my neck and heal it "it's okay now"
I walk onto the every edge of the castles room, I feel somebody hold my shoulders "careful dear"
"he's found where we are at" I say before turning to face Doggie who picks me up and carries me back down the 4 sets of stairs, the others carefully and slowly follow
"thanks Doggie" I whisper
"it's okay Dear" he replys as he puts me on the floor as knocking starts on the thick door. I walk up to it and look through the crack just to see Grumm
"guys, be ready to defend, he's here, I'm gonna go 'look' for the Destroyer" I say making sure to make sure they understand what I'm gonna do
"take somebody with you, incase you get found" Z says
"I'll just take Doggie with me, you have 2 other adults plus you should be capable to fight" I say before yanking the door open and walking to Doggie just to teleport us both to the dungen where I left the metal box, I peep inside to make sure it's still there which it is
"1: we need to get this far from Grumm. 2: while they're fighting we have to locate its romote" I say sitting on the box
"I know dear," he says staying close to me, since he's quite close I kiss him "I'm kinda surprised that you didn't ask to stay with the others" I say
"somebody has to make sure your not in trouble" he reminds me
"one day there won't be a need for it" I say smiling
"right now we should probably move this box" Cruger says
I nod and hold his hand "before we do, you know how Kat and Boom are getting married on Earth, I've decided against them getting married on Earth, I want them to have a moment they can't forget, Syd did say this planet is beautiful, it's even better in the evenings" I say
"are you suggesting that they should get married here?" he asks
I nod "I want her to have the best wedding ever, I've seen quite a few elementian weddings in my parents old books even their own wedding photos and they were all as the sun was setting, it was magical" I reply
"does she know about this?" he asks sitting beside me
"I'm afraid not, I haven't had a chance to talk to them alone yet, however I will, and I will make sure that they'll get their wedding after Grumm is off my planet" I say with a smile, I feel him wrap his arm around me
"right, I now think its time to move this box" he says changing the topic
I nod and teleport the 3 of us to the jets hidden room, we get off the box and I lead him out the secret room
"I'm glad to have to again" he whispers into my ear
"I know darling" I say as I walk to my seat and start a search for a remote before texting Kat where we are but to only come when they're safe and nobody's following
"did you miss me?" a cold female voice asks

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