Chapter 26

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I sit in my room in the base and begin to write a book about my own life
"you good?" Syd asks standing at the door
"yeah, fine" I reply shutting the book and facing her
"do you have any ideas what your gonna do for your wedding?" Syd asks
"nope however I'll can ask Lex" I respond
"coolio I'm sure she'd love to help, maybe me and Kat could go with you" she suggests
"don't forget Z, I'm sure the other can look after Astri, it isn't that hard to look after a 2 year old as long as you do as she wants such as Sky wearing a tutu" I say with a smirk
"he did what?" Syd says
I show her the photo and she bursts out laughing
"What's going on?" Bridge asks not seeing the photo so I show him just to get a snicker out of him

A week later
I return to the uni
"we've been told we can't make the film anymore..." Katie tells me
"why?" I ask
"cause the principle says so... But we now wanna make a musical as in 6 months there's a talent show" Katie explains
"I can make the music, discuss with them what they want to do and then I can get to work with some 'magic' and then we're all good" I say shrugging
"Amy! Can we do a film still but we have music in it and the start it's just you and you using you powers to show a story that isn't a normal story so the music doesn't flow through that well if you get what I mean" Ash asks
"great idea Ashy" Jamie chirps
"give me a week or 4 to make the music, I'll send it to Katie with the lyrics and you guys record it but the first one will be my vocals so see if it's good, alright?" I ask
"YES QUEENIE" they yell before dispursing
I smile and walk to my office I have and I get to work on making the songs

I leave the office at lunchtime and return home where Raine greets me with a hug "can you tell me a story? I don't like the fairytale story's, their lame!" Raine says
"ha! Somebody agrees with me" I gasp
"doesn't your daughter like fairytales?" Raine asks
"yeah, he dad tells them to her" I reply walking inside and sitting in the sofa
"ooh tell a sadish story in song!" Raine says
I laugh a little "alright kiddo"
I use my magic to tell the story as I sing "Let me tell you what I wish I'd known
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
President Jefferson:
I'll give him this: his financial system is a work of genius
I couldn't undo it if I tried
And I've tried
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
President Madison:
He took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity
I hate to admit it
But he doesn't get enough credit for all the credit he gave us
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
Every other founding father's story gets told
Every other founding father gets to grow old
And when you're gone, who remembers your name?
Who keeps your flame?
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
I put myself back in the narrative
I stop wasting time on tears
I live another fifty years
It's not enough
I interview every soldier who fought by your side
(She tells our story)
I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings
You really do write like you're running out of time
I rely on Angelica
While she's alive we tell your story
She is buried in Trinity Church near you
When I needed her most, she was right on time
And I'm still not through
I ask myself, what would you do if you had more time
The Lord, in his kindness
He gives me what you always wanted
He gives me more time
I raise funds in D.C. for the Washington Monument
(She tells my story)
I speak out against slavery
You could have done so much more if you only had time
And when my time is up, have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
Oh. Can I show you what I'm proudest of?
(The orphanage)
I establish the first private orphanage in New York City
(The orphanage)
I help to raise hundreds of children
I get to see them growing up
(The orphanage)
In their eyes I see you, Alexander
I see you every time
And when my time is up
Have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
Oh, I can't wait to see you again
It's only a matter of time
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies who tells your story?" I sing

(the video is how the story is told with her vocals)
"Woah" Raine gasps "another!" she adds
Once again the silver glow of my old story disappears and a new one starts up
"The emancipation of me, broke up with my boyfriend I'm finally free, I never really loved him anyways, ah who am I kidding I'm not okay everybody works for Mr J, I'm cut off, they're digging me a grave, I guess I'll have to be the adversary I'm not a chick I'm a bird of prey, Harley Freaking Quinn!
The boys do anything for me, steal and kill even sing for me, I guess I should be happy that the Jokers no longer my criminal lover. But this freedom is only temporary, the black mask has put a hit on me I guess I upset a lot of people and J cut me loose so I'm fending on my own.
Ohh, and I bad, so bad to the core core core yeah psych you out when I'm bored bored bored wow you got goons, I'll kill em all, all, all I'm up all out for war
The emancipation of me, broke up with my boyfriend I'm finally free, I never really loved him anyways, ah who am I kidding I'm not okay everybody works for Mr J, I'm cut off, they're digging me a grave, I guess I'll have to be the adversary I'm not a chick I'm a bird of prey, Harley Freaking Quinn!
So I set up my rag team all girls cause boys are dumb you see, Canary, Cain, Renee and Huntress, we'll be stopping guys with guns not pretty red dresses
I love to fight its play time for me I'm pretty limber I'll kill you with my feet or I'll take a big old swing with my bat actually forget that Where's my mallet?! Ohh, and I bad, so bad to the core core core yeah psych you out when I'm bored bored bored wow you got goons, I'll kill em all, all, all I'm up all out for war
The emancipation of me, broke up with my boyfriend I'm finally free, I never really loved him anyways, ah who am I kidding I'm not okay everybody works for Mr J, I'm cut off, they're digging me a grave, I guess I'll have to be the adversary I'm not a chick I'm a bird of prey, Harley Freaking Quinn!The emancipation of me, broke up with my boyfriend I'm finally free, I never really loved him anyways, ah who am I kidding I'm not okay everybody works for Mr J, I'm cut off, they're digging me a grave, I guess I'll have to be the adversary I'm not a chick I'm a bird of prey, Harley Freaking Quinn!" I finish singing and the silver vanishes

"hi uncle Cruger!" Raine says noticing Doggie has came from behind the stairs
I turn around on the sofa "hiya love" I say with a smile
"hello you two, what are you guys up to?" he asks walking over
"story's in song cause Fairytale's are lame~ even Amy agrees" Raine says
I turn back around to face Raine and wave my hand creating the silver once more and now a tale of the Elementian war, the one Kat thought it was a great idea to run through, it shows what happened
"I remember that," He mutters sitting beside me, I lean on him watching as Raine looks at the story being told in front of her, she watches with amazement. When the war ends the silver story vanishes as if it was never there
"Ima go find mother" Raine says leaving us alone
"we gonna talk about the wedding? Or have you forgotten" he asks
"that why you went to find me?" I ask  "perhaps, I guessed you were here, usually around this time Raine would have been with Kat and Boom in the lab, she wasn't there so we guessed she found you"
"darling, I wasn't lost"

A New Hope: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now