Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I was sitting in a police office, waiting for Ms. Abby to come get me. She's really nice, and the only person I can trust. She had gone out for the night and told the older kids in the care home to look after the younger one's, including me. The older kids don't like me, though. None of the kids do. They think I'm weird because I don't talk a lot, only when I have to.

Last night one of the kids pushed me down the stairs. I started crying, and they just laughed at me. I ran out of the house. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to leave. It was cold, though, and I didn't grab a jacket or shoes while I ran, so I was wondering the streets in a short sleeved shirt and socks. When I sat down because I was tired of running, a man walked up to me and crouched down to my level. He asked me if I was lost, but I didn't say anything. He asked me other things, but I don't know what he asked because I started crying. He tried to take my hand, but I pulled away from him. He called someone, and then the policeman got me. I tried to pull away from him too, but he picked me up and put me in his car. He wasn't mean, I just don't like people I don't know. I've never met a good man, except for Ms. Abby's boyfriend. The policeman took me back to his office and asked me where I was supposed to be. At first I wouldn't talk, but I was starting to get scared that he would get mad at me, so I told him about our care home: Sweet Smiles Homes for Girls #242. After making some calls, he told me that my house parent, Ms. Abby, was coming to get me.

Ms. Abby finally made it to the station and came in the room I was in following a policeman. She thanked the policeman, and without saying a word to me, she took my hand and led me to her car. After sitting me down in the back seat, she got into her driver's seat. She wasn't mad, but I could tell she wasn't happy.

"Emma, why'd you run off like that? Something really bad could have happened, especially this late at night." I looked at the time on the radio; It was 11:32. "You shouldn't even be up at this time. Did the older girls not tell you to go to bed?" She asked. I shook my head while looking down at my hands in my lap. The kids didn't tell me to go to bed. I don't think anyone payed attention to the time. "Why did you run away?" she asked with concern in her voice. I didn't mean to do anything wrong, and I think she knew that.

"They were laughing at me." I said quietly.

"Why, what happened?" She asked with fustration in her voice. She once told me the other kids drove her insane, but I just drove her a little crazy. She laughed when she told me that, so I knew she wasn't serious.

"I fell down the stairs." I answered.

"Did you fall, or where you pushed?" When I didn't say anything, she knew my answer. "I don't know why I left them alone there." She said to herself through her teeth. She looked back at me through her rearview mirror. "Emma, I know what a sweet girl you are, but don't ever run away like this again, okay?" I nodded as she drove back to the house. The ride back from the station was long and silent.

When we got back, Ms. Abby told me to get ready for bed. I nodded and ran up the staris to the room I shared with three other girls. I opened the door to a dark room. I knew that they had just jumped in bed when they heard us driving up, so I knew they were still awake. I switched on the light, and one of the girls sat up. "Well look whose back," she said. "No nightmares tonight, okay? I really need some sleep." She laid back down as I grabbed my pajamas and went to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. I crawled into my bed after turning off the light. I grabbed the flashlight I always use at night and turned it on under the covers. I kept my head under the covers, too, so I could see the light. Just like everynight, I fought to stay awake, but I ended up drifting to sleep anyway.

"Girls! Breakfast is ready!" Ms. Abby yelled from the bottom of the stairs. All of us ran downstairs to the smell of pancakes. Normally, I'm pushed to the back because I'm the smallest, but this time I didn't fight it at all. When I came downstairs from the back of the group, half the girls were already sitting down at the table with their plates of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I grabbed a plate and a pancake and sat down at my spot at the long table. "Girls, someone's coming today to see if they want to adopt, so you need to be on you best behavior."

"So it's another day of Emma staying up in her room!" One of the girls yelled out. Everyone giggled except for Ms. Abby.

"Not funny, Samantha. And I'm disapointed in all of you for last night."

"How was that our fault?" Another said. "She's the one that ran away." Everyone snickered again.

"Enough!" Ms. Abby said loudly. "If it wasn't for someone coming to adopt, you would all be spending the day in your rooms." Everyone was quiet again with smirks on some of their faces. "Now, she'll be here at ten, so after breakfast you need to get ready, that includes making you beds." She stated firmly. After we finished, everyone went up to their rooms and started getting ready. Some of the older girls were in the bathroom curling or straightening their hair and putting on make up. I didn't ever do anything special when people came anymore. Nobody liked my past, so I gave up. Soon, the person showed up and we all went to the living area.

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