Chapter 20

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Demi's POV

Emma wouldn't hold anything down all day. I tried more soup, and it came back up. Crackers wouldn't stay down. Ice cream wouldn't stay down. She couldn't even drink water without that coming back up, too. I was getting really worried, so I called and made an appointment with the doctor first thing in the morning. I checked her temperature frequently to make sure she didn't go into a really high fever. It stayed around 102. I wasn't sure what I should give her medicine wise. I gave her a little bit of pain reliever because she complained about her stomach, head, and throat hurting. She fell asleep with her head on my lap, and eventually, I fell asleep, too.

I woke up about half an hour later and looked down to see little fingers tracing over my tattoos. "Like them?" I asked. She nodded with a slight smile. She continued tracing them until she got to my scars. she had a confused look.

"Demi, these aren't tattoos." she said.

"I know, baby." I said. I was hoping she'd ignore them, but I wasn't that lucky.

"They're hurts. Who put them there?" She asked looking up at me. Great. How am I supposed to explain this to a seven year old?

"Well, I did, but it was a mistake. I didn't know what I was doing at the time." She gave me a confused look. "Everyone has hard times, but sometimes they get really bad. When they get really bad, people want to fix it by themselves instead of asking for help. And then this happens. I call them battle scars, see? Mine are white, so I've overcome my battle. I won. Some people's are still red. They're in the middle of their battle."

"Are they going to win?"

"Most likely." I can't lie, a lot of people don't get out of it.

"What if they loose? What happens?" Emma asks innocently. I sigh, wanting to get far away from this conversation, but I can't leave her confused.

"Then they do something that hurts a lot of people. They don't know how much they'll hurt them, but they do. See, everyone is missed by someone. They might feel alone, but they aren't."

She nodded and continued thinking. "You said white means you won?"


"So I won?" I looked down at her confused. She continued staring at me with gentle eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I have those," she said while pointing to my wrists, "but they're on my back." I gave her a worried look.

"C-can I see?" She nodded and turned over on her stomach. I slightly lifted her shirt to see a few leading farther up her back. I slowly continued to lift her shirt. Eventually, I had revealed a whole back full of faded white lines. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and put her shirt down. I sat her up and pulled her close to me. "God, Emma, who did that?"

"Dad," she whispered. I started letting go of the tears I was holding in. "Did I win, Demi?" She asked in a shaky voice and she started to sniffle.

"Yes, sweetie. You won."

Short, I know, but I had this idea and wanted to post it already.

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