Chapter 4

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Demi's POV

As we walked into the lobby, I felt Emma tense up at the sight of more people. I gave her hand a small and reassuring squeeze as I led her to the elevator. Luckily, no one else was in it. She looked at all the different buttons. "Push number eleven," I told her. She slowly pushed the button and it lit up. She pulled her hand back quickly and looked up at me. "Good job," I told her. She started to smile a little, but it quickly went away as the elevator started to move up. She started shaking again, and I squeezed her hand again. "It's okay, It's supposed to do that." I told her. The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. I led her down the hallway and to our suit door. I let go of her hand, unlocked the door, and opened it. Her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Who all lives here?" she asked quietly.

"Just you and me." I said with a small giggle. This little girl was so cute! "I'll show you your room." I led her to the room that I picked out for her. She walked in and her jaw dropped again. "I know it's really plain right now, but I wanted to wait until you got here so I could make sure I got stuff you'd like." She walked into it further, taking in her surroundings. She had a queen sized bed, a huge walk in closet, plus a dresser. She had her own bathroom and a balcony. "careful with that mouth open, you'll start catching bugs," I joked as I closed her mouth with my hand. I set her suitcase on her bed, which had no sheets or a comforter. We were going to have to go shopping... today.

"My own room?" She whispered. I nodded and smiled at her. A small smile formed on her face. I wanted to see her big smile, but I knew that might take a while.

"How about we go shopping?" I asked excitedly. I wanted it to be just me and her, so I didn't bother calling Max, my bodyguard. I hummed along to the radio again as we made our way to the mall. The whole time, Emma didn't talk. she just stared out of her window. When I parked my car, I turned around to look back at Emma. "Okay, there might be a lot of people who recognize me. There might be some people with cameras and a lot of yelling. After a while of being in there, it should calm down. Don't worry, no one will hurt you. Just stay close to me and don't let go of me, okay?" She nodded and unbuckled herself. She hopped out of the car and took my hand. Almost instantly, people recognized me. Somehow, there is always paparazzi where ever I go. As people started yelling and coming towards us, Emma stiffened, then started to shake. They came closer, and all of a sudden we were surrounded. Mall security did their best to calm the crowd down. I decided to pick Emma up. She instinctual struggled for a second, but realized what I was doing and snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. She wouldn't stop shaking. Once we got inside, it was a lot better. The mall security was doing a great job. I waved at the people. "Guys!" I yelled over them and it quieted down just a little. "I love you all, but I can't enjoy the mall like this. I would love it if you can calm down so I can shop." I was trying to say it as nice as I could. Everyone calmed down enough not to run towards me. I noticed my neck felt wet. "It's okay, Emma." I cooed. She lifted her head up to reveal a tear stained face. "They won't hurt us, they just got excited. It's okay now." I assured her. She nodded and I could tell she was uncomfortable with me holding her, so I put her down and took her hand in mine. She was so light, I didn't feel a big change from when I was holding her to when I put her down. We first walked into a home decor store to find stuff for her room. We started at the bedding area. "What's your favorite color, sweetie?" I asked her.

"Um," She thought for a second. "Blue?" She said as if she was asking a question.

"I like that color, too!" I cheered. I picked up a comforter that was a light blue with little white swirls on it. "Do you like this?" I asked. She fixed her eyes on the ground and shrugged. "Look around and tell me if there's something you like." I said putting the comforter back. I started searching through the isle. I looked back at Emma, who hadn't moved at all. I walked back to her and crouched down to her level. "What's wrong?" I asked. She just shrugged. I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at me. She stared at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked again. She shrugged again, not moving her head, but fixing her eyes back down on the ground. "Sweetie, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." I said caringly.

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