Chapter 17

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Demi's POV

        Emma stayed still and softly smiled throughout her hair and make-up. Watching me really helped her. Once Miranda was done, the look on Emma's face when she saw herself in the mirror was priceless. She was so happy. "Emma, Miranda, look this way," I told them as I opened my phone camera. I took a pic and posted it to my social media accounts with the caption "Awesome friend dressed up my adorable daughter!" I added heart emojis and sent the post.


"I am so happy to welcome again, Demi Lovato," Ellen announced, and I walked on the stage in front of the cheering audience, waving as I made my way to the interview chair. "How are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?" I said with a smile.

"I'm doing wonderful. I'm happy you could join us this afternoon."

"I'm happy to be here, thanks for having me on your show." I replied. We continued to talk about random business that's coming up, including my tour. In a couple of months, I'm starting a country wide tour.

"Why didn't you go for world tour this time?" Ellen asks.

"Well, I would love to visit around the globe again, but I have someone new in my life, and keeping her safe and comfortable is my main priority right now. I do plan on traveling more, though, when she gets older."

"This special someone is..." Ellen says while one of the pictures I posted of me and Emma comes on the screen, and everyone coo's.

"My daughter, that's right," I say with the biggest smile ever. She is my 100% everything.

"Isn't that adorable?" Ellen yells out to the audience, and everyone claps. "You brought her, didn't you?"

"Yeah, she is actually just back stage. Can I go get her?"

"Yeah, get her out here!" Ellen says while the crowd agrees.

I run back stage, and Emma jumps in my arms. "Hey, baby, do you want to come out on stage with me?"

"That's a lot of people," Emma says quietly.

"But they're really nice people. I'll hold onto you the whole time. If you don't want to, that's okay."

"I'll do it," she says with the slightest smile on her face. I carry her on my hip, heading back to the stage. As soon as she sees the audience, she sticks her face in the crook of my neck.

"There she is!" I hear Ellen call out as I make my way back to my seat. "And there's the little cutie." She adds as she touches Emma's arm, making her flinch at the unknown hand and she brings her arm in close to her chest.

"She's a little shy," I say, sad that Emma is scared. She's literally shaking in my arms. "Are you okay?" I whispered into her ear. Emma nods, but grips my shirt tight in her little hands. She remains like that the entire interview, even though the rest of the conversations were about her. She is definitely the biggest and most important thing in my life. After we run out of time, I give Ellen a hug the best I can with Emma's face still hidden in my neck. I go back to the dressing room, where I left all of our stuff. Emma reveals her face once she realizes it's quiet. "You didn't have to stay out there if you didn't want to," I explained to her apologetically.

"I was with you, it's okay." She responds, which brings a smile back to my face.

"Then why were you scared to see everyone?" I asked, returning to being concerned.

"I didn't want him to find me," she says, almost whispering. I knew exactly who she was talking: her dad. It's not fair that she lives her life in fear because of him. I decide not to tell about the pictures I've been posting;  don't want her to freak out even more.

"Emma," I say as I brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't worry about him. He has no control over you. Don't let him have any." She nods, not looking up at my face. I started packing everything when I heard Miranda come through the door.

"Sorry Dem, I took the opportunity to grab coffee, but the line was ridiculously long. I got you something, too." She says as she hands me coffee and Emma a small cup of hot chocolate.

"Thank you," Emma replies softly. I didn't even have to say it first. She is so sweet.

"Thanks, Miranda, and thanks for taking care of Emma." I say, taking a sip of my hot coffee.

"No problem, anytime. She was an angel." Miranda replies. I have the most amazing friends. Miranda walked us out to the car that was waiting for us, and Emma and I gave her a hug. Emma warmed up to her more than I thought she would. The cab drove us back to the hotel. On our way, Emma slowly drifted off to sleep. When we got to the hotel, I scooped Emma up in my arms and took the elevator to our room. I put Emma down on her bed. She stirred a little, but her eyes stayed shut. I took this as the perfect opportunity to have a nap of my own.

Early update. It will be another crazy weekend, so I updated this while I still had time. What do you think? Anything that should be added to the story? No promises, but I'd love to read your feedback!

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