Chapter 5

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Demi's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling different. As I laid in bed, it came to my realization that I am now responsible for another human being, a child. I got up and walked to Emma's door. I peeked my head inside to see her sleeping peacefully. I smiled to myself and examined the scene. Her long, caramelish colored hair draping across her beautiful and soft face. I don't know what happened in her pasted, but she is not broken forever. I left her to sleep and came down to my kitchen. I started to cook bacon and eggs, well try anyway. I don't know how a person can so easily mess up scrambled eggs. I threw the burned eggs in the trash and saw out of the corner of my eye Emma standing at the top of the stairs. I looked up at her and smiled. "Morning, sweetie." She gave me a small, tired smile as she walked down to the kitchen. "How does cereal sound?" I asked. She just shrugged and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. I poured her a bowl of cheerios and milk and set them infront of her with a spoon. I made myself a bowl and joined her at the table. We ate in silence for a few moments before I broke it. "So what do you want to do today?" She looked up at me and shrugged.

"What do you normally do?"

I smiled when she talked. "Just whatever. Sometimes I have to go to my studio for work, or I have meetings or interviews, but today I am totally free." She continued to eat silently and nodded at my answer. "What do you usually do?"

Emma looked up at me, almost as if she was taken back by my question. she shrugged again. "I don't know. Chores." She said blankly. My phone started to ring, and Emma slightly jumped at the sudden noise. I looked at my screen to see it was Selena.

"Hey," I answered.

"Dem, I can't wait for tonight. I have to meet this cutie sooner. What are y'all doing today?"

"That's what I was trying to figure out. I don't know."

"Can we hang out? Please please please?" Selena begged into the phone.

I rolled my eyes at her begging and looked at Emma, who was almost done with her cereal. I took a bite of mine before answering. "That would be great."

"Awesome! when?"


"Okay, why don't you come over to my place and we can go from there. OMG Demi, I can't contain myself."

"See you soon, bye!" I hung up and turned looked at Emma again. "I think I found something to do today! Go get dressed, and I clean up dishes." She stood up and skipped up to her room. I gathered the two bowls and put them in the sink, saving to wash them later. I went to get myself ready. By the time I got back down, Emma was already waiting on the couch. She looked adorable and, to my surprise, picked out a perfectly matched outfit. She had a bag over her shoulder as well. "Come on," I said as I took my keys. I grabbed both our coats from the front closet and opened the door. The cool February air filled my lungs as Emma took her coat from my arms. I got her bucked in her booster seat. It was really made for five year olds, but she was so small. The drive to Selena's house was silent for the most part. Once we got closer, I started to talk. "So we are going to meet my best friend. She's really nice. Remember that movie you watched last night?" I saw through my rearview mirror that she nodded. "She was in that." I small smile formed on her face, and I could tell she was getting excited to meet her. Once I pulled into Selena's driveway, I took Emma out of her seat. She admired the big house infront of her with wide eyes. She let me take her hand and I led her up to the door. Before I got the chance to knock, Selena pulled the door open and greeted us with a big smile.

"Hi!" She said over-excitedly. I felt Emma starting to hide behind my leg. I hugged Selena and went inside. She crouched down to Emma, who tried to hide her face in my leg. I picked her up, hoping it would make her feel more comfortable, but she just stiffened. I put her down again and knelt down to her size.

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