Chapter 12

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Demi's POV

I made sure that my alarm was set bright and early. We had an important flight to catch. Tomorrow, I have an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, which I'm super excited for. My phone alarm went off, but I guess I didn't hear it because I felt a light poke on my cheek. I open one eye to see Emma's pretty little eyes staring back at me. "Your phone's making noises," she whispered.

"Thanks," I whisper back, mimicking her with a smile. She looked worn out, like she didn't sleep at all. "Did you sleep okay?" She looked down, but didn't say anything. "Honey, what's wrong?" She remains silent. "Emma, we have a long day today and tomorrow, so you need sleep. If you tell me what's on your mind, I can help you overcome that."

"I don't want him to come back," she says with a shaky voice.

"Baby, he's in jail, and your dad's in jail. Now unless there is someone else that you know and we don't, no one will get you." She nodded her head. "I wont leave you unless you're with someone I trust." She nodded again, and snuggled into me. I let us sit for a few minutes before deciding that we should get ready. "Come on, sweetie, we have a plane to catch. I got everything packed last night, all we have to do is get dressed, brush our hair, and brush our teeth. We'll get something to eat at the airport."


 We got ready and made it out the door in a little more than 30 minutes. A few minutes after we got into the car, Emma fell asleep. I had to take a picture; it was just so cute. We made it to the airport, and I didn't want to wake her up, so I carried her inside AND grabbed all the bags. I had my hands full, but I didn't mind. Once I loaded everything onto the belt that puts it in the plane, I ordered some food for us. Emma clearly wasn't in the mood to eat, so I put it in my carry-on. Then I sat down on a bench in the waiting area with Emma still asleep in my arms. I managed to get out my phone and take a picture without her waking up. She did wake up once we were on the plane because I had to set her down in her own seat. When we were about to take off, I handed her a piece of gum. "Here, chew this. It'll help your ears not hurt." She did what I said, but it still freaked her out. She held onto my hand tightly as the plane lifted off the ground. Once we were in the air, though, she was in awe of the world below us. It was too cute, so I had to take another picture. She stayed awake the whole flight, which worried me. She had only had about three hours of sleep, so I was hoping she'd be able to make it through the rest of the day. We had a lot to do.

Short, quick chapter tonight. I'm on break this whole week, so hopefully I'll update some more here and my other book. What do you think? Comments? Suggestions?

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