Chapter 7

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Demi's POV

I woke up the next morning, recalling all the chaos from the night before. I got out of bed and tip-toed to Emma's room.I needed to wake her up because I was supposed to go into the studio today. I popped my head into the room to see Emma sleeping soundly. I sat down on the side of her bed next to her and continued to look at the beautiful little girl. She still had dried tears on her cheeks, so I guess she continued to cry for a little after I went back to bed. It broke my heart. I looked on her bedside to see her drawing notebook. Letting my nosey side take over, I opened it to the last thing she drew. It was a door. At first glance, you would think it was a plain door with nothing special, but the longer I stared at it, the more detailed it got. There were tiny little scratch marks on the door knob. There was a slightly sketched shadow on the door. I didn't the chance to look at it more closely; Emma started to stir. I quickly closed the book and put it back exactly the way I found it. Right after I put it down, Emma's hands reached up to rub her eyes and she looked up at me with the prettiest eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I said with my rusty morning voice. She smiled slightly at the memory of watching the disney princess. "Do you want to tell me what your dream was like?" Her smile quickly dropped and she slowly shook her head. I didn't want to push too much, so I gave up on it. She'll tell me when she's ready. "How about some breakfast?" She nodded her head, and I stood up. She got up, and when she thought my back was turned, I noticed out of the corner of my eye her quickly slipping the book under her mattress. I didn't say anything; I didn't want her to stress about it.

I talked to her about going to work over breakfast. She didn't say anything, just nodded. I was a little nervous introducing her to new people, especially after last night, but she needed to get to know them sometime. "Go ahead and get ready," I told her as I put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher. She went to her room, and I shortly went into mine. We met out in the living room, both of us very well put together. I handed her her sweater from the coat rack, and put on my own. It was getting slightly warmer during the day, but it was still pretty cool. The way to the studio was filled with nothing but me softly singing to the radio. Everytime I glanced at Emma from my rearview mirror, she was smiling softly at me. "What?" I finally asked her with a slight giggle.

She shook her head before answering. "I just like the way you sing."

I giggled again. "Well, thanks. I try," I said with a big smile. She returned a small smile and looked out the window. I was so lucky to have her. We pulled up to the studio, and I turned my body to look at Emma. "Okay, so there's going to be a lot of new people here, but don't worry. They're all really nice." She nodded at me as she unbuckled herself and opened up her door. I was surprised when she let me take her hand without any hesitation. We walked inside together, hand in hand. I made my way into my recording room, where a lot of my team were already waiting.

"Hey's" and "Demi's here" flew around the room for a little. I returned all the greetings as Emma hid behind my legs.

"Oh, this is Emma. Emma, this is my team." She kept behind my legs as her little hand slightly came up to wave.

"Alright, Demi, lets talk about these dates." My manager said. I was getting ready for some interviews. I had a lot coming up at around the same time. I sat down and patted the spot next to me for Emma to sit. She sat next to me, and shortly after, Max sat down next to her. I saw her tense up and scoot closer to me.

"It's okay, he's really nice, I promise." I told her softly. It didn't seem to help, so I let her switch places with me. "Sorry, Max, she doesn't really like guys," I whispered in his ear. he shrugged it off, and we all gave my manager our attention. After we talked, I needed to record some new songs. I needed to get as much done as possible due to limited time. "You okay?" I asked Emma during a break. She nodded her head, drawing in the notebook she brought. I didn't even see her carry it in.

Emma watched intently as I sang. She seemed to really enjoy it. After the last song, I came out and she clapped along with the rest of the team. I sat beside her and she smiled up at me. "That was really good. That's what you get to do for work?" She asked me. I nodded as one of my back up singers squilled.

"Awww, Demi! She has the cutest voice!" Emma shrank back and blushed, leaving a very slight smile on her face.

"I know. Everything about her is absolutely adorable." I responded while poking Emma's stomach, which made a little giggle come out of her.

"Awwwww!" She squealed again. She was basically fangirling over my daughter. My daughter.

"Well, we better get going. I'm starving." I said, getting up and taking Emma's hand. The ride home was like the one to the studio; me singing and her listening.

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