Chapter 18

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Demi's POV

After a short nap, I opened my eyes to see Emma drawing. I watched her for a little. She had a look of concentration. She noticed I was awake, and put her drawing book and pencil away. I opened my arms, welcoming her. She got up off the bed and climbed onto the one I was on, snuggling into me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. "We're going back home tomorrow," I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. She had the cutest smile. I kissed her nose, which made her giggle, and I giggled back. "Are you hungry?" I asked looking at the clock. It was about time for dinner. She nodded. "How about we go out?" She nodded again. She pretty much agreed to any ideas I suggested. "Well, we should get then," I said sitting up. She hopped off the bed and grabbed her shoes. Neither of our clothes were very wrinkled, so there was no need to change. I brushed out my hair, leaving it in the subtle waves which were left after Ellen's interview. I brushed Emma's hair out and put it in a braid. Then I got online to see what was around to eat. "Pick something," I told Emma while scrolling through our options. She pointed to a small diner. "Great! Let's go." I said. We walked out hand-in-hand. I called a cab, and they were at the hotel in just a few minutes. I told the driver the name of the diner, and he took off. It was only about fifteen minutes away. Once we arrived, I left the driver a tip and headed in. We were seated quickly.

"Okay, what can I get these two ladies to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll take Dr. Pepper. Emma, can you tell the nice man what you want to drink?"

"Sprite," she whispered in my ear.

"Tell him, he's taking your order," I said. I wanted her to get more comfortable with talking to other people. She couldn't be scared forever.

"Sprite," she whispered while looking at the waiter. It was obvious he couldn't hear her.

"Sprite," I said for her. At least she looked at him and talked. The waiter nodded and left. "You're going to have to be a big girl someday," I told her. She looked up at me and shook her head.

"I don't want to be a big girl. I don't like being a big girl," she said. I didn't understand what she meant.

"Why not?" I asked curiously. She just shook her head. I made a mental note to talk to her about it later, as the waiter had brought our drinks. "Decided on what you want to eat?" He asked. I told him my order, and automatically said chicken strips for Emma. I looked down, and she smiled at me and nodded. It didn't take long for him to bring our food. While we ate, we talked about random nonsense.

"Miranda is nice," Emma said.

I nodded and smiled. "I know, Miranda is very nice." I'm glad she was warming up to some of my friends. Her trust was growing. Once we were done, I paid, leaving a generous tip, and called a cab. Once we got back to the hotel room, I said, "Okay, Emma, let's get packed and then we can watch a movie." she nodded and starting doing what she was told. "Leave out an outfit for tomorrow, and go ahead and put your pajamas on so your clothes that your wearing now will be packed." She nodded again, grabbing some pajamas and going into the bathroom to change. I changed where I was and starting putting all my stuff in my suitcase. She came out and put her clothes in her bag. "Ready?" I asked, patting a spot next to me on the bed. She nodded and skipped up to the bed, climbing on and snuggling into my side. "What to you want to watch?" I asked, scrolling through the movie channel.

"Frozen!" she called out as I passed it. I laughed at her excitement and turned the movie on. Somewhere in the middle, she fell asleep. I turned the movie off and drifted to sleep myself.

Sorry it's so short. I'll update again as soon as I can.

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