Chapter 22

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Demi's POV

I heard a door shut, waking me up. I climb out of bed and look down the hall. Emma's door was shut and I saw light coming through the bottom. I peeked inside, and her bathroom light was on. I walked in, finding her leaning over the toilet and coughing. I rushed to her side and sat down behind her, holding her hair while rubbing her back. She leaned back against me when she was done, obviously worn out. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded. "It was just water?" She nodded again. There wasn't any food in her stomach, I knew that. "Why'd you close your door?"

"I didn't want you to know," she said in a scratchy voice.

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"Because I wanted you to have a good sleep without me being a pain," she replied.

"You are not a pain," I said, bringing her up closer and hugging her tighter. "It's my responsibility to look after you. I don't want you in here being sick alone. I'm here for you." I kissed the top of her head, and she relaxed further into me."

"Sorry," she whispered. I could tell she was wanting to cry.

"Don't be," I whispered back. I picked her up and carried her to my bed. She snuggled into me once we were both laying down.

"Can you sing something?" Emma asked in a whisper.

"Of course," I said, searching through my mind for one of my songs that she might like.

Can you be my nightingale?

Sing to me, I know you're there

You can be my sanity

Bring me peace, sing me to sleep

Say you'll be my nightingale

By the time I was done with the chorus, I felt Emma's light, steady breathing on my chest. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to go back to sleep.


I woke up to my alarm going off. I had set it so we wouldn't be late for Emma's doctor appointment. The alarm woke Emma up before I had the chance to. "Come on, let's get you ready to go." I was really the only one who needed to be ready. I got myself dressed and through my hair up into a ponytail. I brushed Emma's hair out, and let her stay in her onsie. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked. She shook her head, and I already knew why. I wasn't going to make her eat this morning. I grabbed a banana for myself, something I could eat while driving, then carried Emma out to the car. After making sure she was buckled in, I sat in my seat and started the car, eating my banana while driving to the doctors. Somewhere in the ride, Emma fell asleep, so I carried her in on my hip. I signed her in and filled out the paperwork in the waiting area with Emma half-asleep on my lap. Soon, we were called back to the room. We waited for the doctor, with Emma still on my lap. When the doctor came in, Emma buried her face into the crook of my neck and gripped my shirt.

"Good morning, Ms. Lovato, I'm Dr. Williams," he said, and we shook hands. "And this is Emma?" He asked. He touched her elbow, causing her to flinch and grip my shirt tighter.

"Yes, she's a little shy," I said, leaving out the part where she's nervous abou men.

"I see, well can we get her up on the bench?"

I nodded and stood up, carrying Emma to the bench that Dr.Williams was already waiting by. I set her down, but when I tried to move away, she wouldn't let go of my shirt. "I'm going to be here right beside you, I won't leave. I promise," I said, causing her to loosen her grip so I could move. I stood next to her while she held my hand tightly.

"Let's first see how your heart is doing, okay?" Dr. Williams put a stethoscope on her chest and instructed her on how to breath. He did the same on her back. He did several other procedures, all the while Emma stared at me, and I stared right back into her beautiful eyes. 'Okay, well I'm pretty sure it's just a stomach virus, she should be feeling better in a couple of days. I'm going to give you medicine to help with the nausea so she can hold food down," he said whiling writing something down on his clip board. He said nothing about a shot, which I was relieved for. Emma definitely would have freaked out if she had to have a needle stuck in her arm or something. I thanked the doctor after he gave me the medicine and a few papers, then carried Emma back out to the car. She fell asleep on the ride home again.

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