Chapter 15

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Demi's POV

Once in our bathing suits, we walked (more like skipped) down to the hotel pool. There wasn't anyone else there, so it would be easy to keep a close eye on Emma. I hopped in, and held my arms out for Emma. She stared into the water at the edge of the pool. "It's not too cold," I told her, but she didn't move. I got out and kneeled beside her. "What's wrong?"

"I've never been to the pool. I don't know how to swim." She said with disappointment in her voice.

"That's okay, I'll teach you. I'll stay with you the entire time."

She shyly smiled up at me, and I took her hand, leading her towards the shallow end of the pool. She splashed around in the water with her cute little smile. She wasn't interested in learning to swim in the places where her feet won't touch, but that was okay. A few hours later, we were both ready to go back into our hotel room. Emma took a shower first, making sure she had her pajamas with her. I took a shower after her. I walked out of the bathroom and saw her with her head in her hands. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I can't brush my hair," she whined. Her hair was extra tangled, due to the pool. "It's too hard. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not that big of a deal. All you have to do is ask for help. I'll brush it out for you." I grabbed the hair brush that was beside her on the bed, crawled on the bed behind her, and brushed out her tangles. It took a while, but I finally finished. "Want to order room service? We haven't eaten dinner, and we are already in our pajamas."

"What's room service?" She asked.

"You have got a lot to get used to." I said while poking her stomach, which made her giggle. "It's when you order what you want, and people bring the food to your room so you don't have to go anywhere." I picked up a menu that was left on a desk and handed it to her. I already knew what she wanted.

"Chicken strips," she said as I mouthed her words with her. I called in our meals, and soon, they were brought up to us. I tipped the server, and brought the food back to the bed.

"Let's see if we can find something to watch on the tv." I picked up the remote, and didn't stop searching channels until Emma found something she liked. We ate and watched tv. Once we both finished, Emma crawled into my side and snuggled up to me, slowly falling asleep. I turned the tv off and looked down at my sleeping daughter. I stroked her hair and thought about earlier. I wanted an answer to why she had a minor freak out earlier at the swimsuit store, but it would have to wait until the morning.


I woke up to the feelings of little fingers playing with my hands. I opened my eyes to Emma, who looked up and smiled slightly at me. "Good morning, sweetie," I said, laying a soft kiss on her forehead. She mumbled a good morning back. "Guess what happens today?"

"What?" she asked in almost a whisper.

"We're going to be on tv."

"Really?" She asked with a little excitement.

I smiled. "Yeah. I'm going to do an interview with Ellen, remember? And she said you can come on if you want."

She smiled her sweet smile. "Okay."

"Are you hungry?" She shrugged her shoulders, which usually meant she was. She hated saying she wanted food, but if she really wasn't hungry, she would tell me no. So shrugging her shoulders is most of the time a yes.

"But I don't feel like getting up yet." She said. I laughed at knowing what she wanted.

"See? You're already getting spoiled." She kept smiling, and waited for me to order our breakfast. As we ate, I decided to ask Emma my question from yesterday.

"Emma?" I asked, getting her attention. She looked up at me from her waffle. "Can you tell me what happened yesterday at the store?" She gave me a confused face. "I held out a bathing suit, and you freaked out about it." She looked back down at her waffle.

"I just didn't like it."

"I think there was more to it. Am I right?" She shrugged her shoulders. "So can you tell me what you were thinking?" She shook her head. "Why not?"

"Because my dad said to definitely not talk about that."

"Where is he?"

I saw her stop to think. "I don't know."

"Is he here?"


"Do you trust me to protect you?"


"So you don't have to worry about him." We sat in silence before she responded.

"I can't," she said blankly. I decided to leave it alone. She would tell me if she really wants to and when she feels comfortable to. We needed to get ready for the day, anyway.

I know this chapter sucks, but I was super busy the past couple of days and  will be all day today, so I wrote this in the small amount of free time I had.

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