Chapter 10

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Demi's POV

We made it to the diner, and to my surprise, Emma sat next to Selena, leaving me alone on the other side of the booth. They were both coloring on Emma's children's menu. I thought they were absolutely adorable, so I just had to take a picture. They didn't notice, though. I posted it with the description, Two of my favorite ladies <3. The waitress came and took our orders, and they went straight back to coloring. "Ya'll are making me jealous," I said with a pouty face.

"Good," Selena said, sticking her tongue out at me. Emma giggled at her, then got up and sat by me. "Heeeey," Selena whined, and Emma giggled again. Then I got a phone call from an anonymous person. It didn't even show their number. I answered it anyway, just in case it was important.

"Hello?" I said with the phone up to me ear. I heard a rough, dry laugh. "Hello?" I asked again.

"You have my daughter," the man said.

"Who is this?" I asked, getting more worried.

"I want my daughter back," the man said right before hanging up. My heart was starting to race at the thought of Emma's father trying to take her. Did he know where we lived? Does he know where we are right now? Had he been following us? If he was, for how long? All these questions raced through my mind. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Selena's voice.


"Yeah?" I said, snapping back into reality.

"Are you okay?" She sounded worried, and he face told me so, too. I looked down at my daughter, who held the same expression.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I said with a weak smile. The food came, which saved me from the uncomfortable situation I was in. I didn't want to tell anyone right now, especially Emma. I'll contact the police once we get back home. I ate and listened to Selena tell Emma about the fun experiences we've had together. A lot of them made all three of us laugh. Soon, we were all done. I paid, then walked outside, grabbing Emma's hand on the way out. Then, I sped walked to my car, not letting go of Emma. Once we got in and buckled, Selena spoke up.

"Demi, what's wrong?" I looked back at Emma, then to Selena again.

"Nothing," I said blankly. My phone rang, and, again, it was an anonymous caller. I let it roll to voice mail, then started on the way home. I held onto Emma's hand tightly as we walked into the house, and Selena put her hand on my shoulder. "Emma, why don't you go take a shower, you didn't take one last night or this morning." She nodded and ran to her room, shutting the door behind her. I heard the door to her bathroom shut as well, so I knew she wouldn't be able to hear. Then I grabbed my phone and listened to the voice mail.

"I know where you are." Was all that was said. I looked up my friend, who stared intently at me.

"Demi, you look like you've just seen a ghost. What's wrong?" I gave her my phone, and noticed my hand shaking. She listened to the short message, then looked at me with wide eyes. All of a sudden, I heard a muffled scream, and we both immediately headed to Emma's room. There he was, trying to get the window to open with my daughter in his arms and a hand around her mouth. I snatched Emma from him and shoved her towards Selena. He swung a fist at me, and I grabbed it and shoved him into the wall. I held his neck up against it with my forearm, and his hands wrapped around my throat. It didn't take much for him to let go, I just kneed him in the crotch.

"Don't you EVER come near my daughter again! Do you understand me?" I yelled in his face. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and someone else, grabbed him: Police. I didn't want to let go, but they managed to pry me off of him. I was comforted by Emma's arms wrapping around my hips. I dropped to her level and engulfed her in my arms.

Emma's POV

I walked into my bathroom, and started the bath water. I was about to undress when I saw someone in the corner of my eye. In an instant, her grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was muffled. I didn't know if anyone heard me. "Be quiet" the man whispered in my ear. It wasn't daddy.I didn't recognize him or his voice. As he was trying to open my window, my door flew open and I saw Demi and Selena. I was thrown to Selena as Demi pinned the man against the wall. Selena held me close as she called the police.

"Don't you EVER come near my daughter again! Do you understand me?" I heard Demi say. I liked it when she called me her daughter. Then the police ran in and took Demi off the man. Normally, I would be really scared of someone who was raging mad, but I wasn't scared of Demi. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. She kneeled down in front of me and hugged me tight. I felt so comfortable in her warm arms, but the worry never really left me. Who was that man?

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