Chapter 24

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Demi's POV

I was so excited to tell Emma about my plans. "Next week, I'm taking you to Disney Land!" I cheered. She smiled at my excitement, but it was obvious that she had no idea what I was talking about.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's an amusement park, with lots of rides and games, and it's really fun."

"Really?" She asked, getting excited.

I nodded. "And Selena, my mom, and my two sisters are coming, too."

"Cool!" She called out. I was surprised at that reaction. She knows Selena, but not my family. I was happy that she was okay with them coming.

"We're staying there three days."

"Where are we going to sleep?" She asked, getting confused.

"In this big castle."

"Like the princesses?"

"Yup! And the princesses are going to be there, too."

"Really?" I nodded, and she threw herself at me. "Thank you, Demi!" she said, hugging me tighter. I hugged her just as tight, not letting go until he started to squirm.

The rest of the day, Emma and I played with the various toys she had in her room. I left her to make dinner while she dressed all of her dolls in pajamas. "Dinner!" I called from the kitchen. Seconds later, I heard her door open and saw her skipping into the kitchen. She sat at her usual spot at the table while I filled both of our plates. I brought them to the table and sat Emma's in front of her. We both ate while talking about how exciting Disney Land was going to be.

"Can we watch a movie tonight?" Emma asked.

"Sure, go pick one out and I'll put our dishes away." She scurried off and I picked both of our dishes up, carrying them to the sink. By the time I got back to the living room, Emma was holding Sleeping Beauty in her hands. I took it and set it up, sitting next to Emma on the couch. She laid down next to me, putting her head on my legs. I grabbed a blanket that was on the couch from earlier, and laid it over her. She watched intently at the movie, almost making it all the way through this time. About ten minutes before the movie ended, she fell asleep. I picked her up and carried her to her bed, careful not to wake her when I set her down under the covers. I kissed the top of her head. "I love you," I whispered before leaving her room and crawling in my own bed.

Short, sorry, but I wanted to update. I'm starting a busy schedual again on Tuesday, so I'll try to update my books on the weekend. I'm also starting a fourth book, but I'm not making it public until I have at least five chapters done. Thanks for reading :)

Thank you @EvelynHuff for the idea! I decided to use it for this story instead of the other

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