Chapter 19

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Demi's POV

My alarm woke me up at 6:00 A.M. God, it was way to early, but we had a plane to catch. I had put my alarm on vibrate right beside my ear so it wouldn't wake Emma up, who was still curled into my side. I gently got out of bed, making sure not to wake her up. After getting myself ready, I crawled back on the bed and laid down beside Emma. I gently poked her cheek, and she furrowed her eyebrows while slowly opening her eyes. "Time to get up, baby girl," I whispered. She sat up and yawned while rubbing her eyes. I grabbed the clothes she had picked out the night before and laid them next to her. She was sitting, but she was slouched down with her eyes still closed. "am I going to have to tickle you?" I asked, getting my hands ready. She didn't respond, so I gently starting tickling her stomach. With a little giggle, she opened her eyes and sat up straight. She took her clothes into the bathroom and quickly changed. I took a hair brush and brushed out her hair, putting it in a french braid. She was still so tired, but I got her to carry her own suitcase back down to the cab that was waiting for us. "We'll get breakfast at the airport," I said once we were in the car, but I don't think Emma cared. As soon as the car started moving, she had gone back to sleep. I woke her up to get inside the airport, but she was just awake enough to follow me around. Once we got our suitcases on the luggage belt, I picked her up, allowing her head to sit on my shoulder. "What do you want to eat?" I asked her while making my way to the small food court.

"I don't care," she mumbled, barely even audible. I ended up getting us a couple of breakfast biscuits from McDonalds. I ate mine while waiting to bored the plane, but Emma remained asleep. I saved her biscuit for later and took our seats o the plane. I didn't set her in her own seat until it was time for the plane to take off. The noise of the plane woke her up, but only long enough for the plane to get steady in the air. I had no idea why she was sleeping so much this morning. She slept through the whole plane ride. She finally woke up when we landed. She was a light sleeper, and the noise of the landing woke her up. I took her hand and lead her to the luggage pick up. Then we found the cab that was waiting for us. I climbed in the back seat after her, and she fell asleep again on the way back to the house. On the way home, I examined her face, which was drained of color. She had dark circles under her eyes. I was a terrible mother for not noticing the features earlier. I put my hand on her forehead, and found she was quite warm. Great. I have never taken care of a sick child. I figured that I needed to find out how because she was my daughter, and this wouldn't be the last time she was going to be sick. When we got home, I didn't make her walk. I carried her inside and laid her on the couch, careful not to wake her up. Then I went back out to the cab to get our bags and pay the driver. I carried everything inside, then searched for the thermometer.

I shook Emma slightly, and she opened one eye. "Open you mouth up, baby," I told her. She barely opened her mouth, and I put the thermometer in. "Keep it under your tongue," I said. around five minutes later, I took it out of her mouth. 102.6 fever. I rubbed her arm gently before getting up and going into the kitchen. It was already lunch time, so I made chicken noodle soup. Once it was done, I went back into the living room with two bowls of soup. Emma was awake, but she looked like she felt like crap. "Wanna eat?" I asked. She shook her head. "You didn't eat breakfast. I think you should eat this."

"My throat hurts," Emma whispered.

"This will help it," I told her as she sat up. I gave her the bowl and a spoon, and she started eating. When the food was about half gone, she cautiously lowered the bowl in her lap.

"Demi," she said quietly, but there was a small panic in her voice. I looked over at her to see she was getting ready to gag. I put my bowl down on the coffee table and did the same with hers. The I picked her up and quickly walked to the bathroom. We made it to the toilet just in time for her to start throwing up. I grabbed her hair before it fell in front of her face. After she was done, she looked back at me with little tears in her eyes.

"It's okay," I told her as I stood her up and led her to the sink. I got her to rinse her mouth out before picking her up and taking her to the couch again.

"I don't want to eat anymore," she said while looking at the bowl of soup.

"Okay, you don't have to right now," I said before turning the TV onto Disney channel and taking the bowls of soup back to the kitchen. I returned to find Emma watching TV with dark circles under her eyes. I took a picture while her eyes were towards the TV, and posted it. Baby's sick today, right when we got home :(. I immediately got replies saying that she was in thoughts and prayers. I picked my sweet girl's head up and placed it on my lap, stroking her hair as she watched TV.

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