Chapter 13

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Demi's POV

When we got off the plane, I immediately saw the car that was taking us to our hotel. On our way to it, we were recognized by a few of my Lovatics. I took pictures and signed what they wanted signed, then went towards the car. I wish I could talk with them, but we were on a tight schedule. Emma walked by my side, never letting go of my hand. We made it to the hotel, and we were already tired. We had just enough time to carry all of our luggage in, then we had to head out again. We were supposed to meet Ellen for lunch to discuss how the interview was going to work. We got to the little cafe and saw that Ellen was already there. "Hi, Ellen," I said while shaking her hand and sitting down.

"Hey, Demi, good to see you again," Ellen replied as Emma scooted next to me. "Well, if your aren't going to introduce me to this little cutie, I'll have to do it myself." She joked. "Hi, I'm Ellen," she said while holding out her hand to Emma, who shrank back and buried her face into me.

I bent down and whispered in her ear, "Say hi to Ellen, she's really nice." Then I sat up and looked at Ellen. "Sorry, she's really shy."

"Well maybe she can overcome that for a little tomorrow and you can bring her out."

"Maybe. It would make the crowd excited," I replied and gently nudged Emma with my elbow, but she didn't move. The waitress came to take our drink order, and we all settled on water. I told Emma she had to look at the menu and pick what she wanted. At first, she wouldn't move her face away from my arm, but I told her that I wasn't picking for her and if she wasn't picking anything, then she would have to wait until we leave to eat. She picked her head up, scanned the menu for about five seconds, then whispered what she wanted in my ear.

"Chicken strips, please," I smiled at her polite order. She put her face back down, then it was my turn to whisper in her ear.

"I need you to be a big girl right now. I'm not going anywhere." She picked her head back up and slouched back. I think she's developing a little attitude, but all little girls do. She picks up her notebook and pencil that she brought with her and starts to draw while Ellen and I discuss tomorrow's interview. The waitress came back and I ordered for both Emma and myself. When she came back with our food, Emma wouldn't look up from her drawing. "Can you eat for me, Emma?" She put down her book and starting eating. When we finished eating, Ellen and I hugged and Emma gave Ellen a wave. We headed back to our hotel room, where we had a few hours to spare, which meant it was nap time. I changed into comfortable clothes and climbed into bed. "Emma, you didn't get a lot of sleep, how about you take a nap?" She nodded her head and laid down on the other bed. It surprised me that she didn't crawl in next to me, but I guess that's okay.

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