Chapter 23

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Emma's POV

        I woke up on the couch. I guess Demi put me there when I fell asleep. I sat up, and didn't see her anywhere. "Demi?" I called out. Still no one around. I was starting to get worried. She's never done this before. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. She wasn't in there. I checked in her room, the bathroom, my room, but couldn't find her anywhere. She wouldn't leave me, would she? "Demi!" I called out again, this time with tears in my eyes.

Demi's POV

        I stepped outside to have a phone call with my mom. I had a special surprise for Emma next week, and I wanted to make sure she couldn't hear my conversation at all. I walked back inside after ending the call, and saw Emma standing in the hallway with her back towards me. I closed the door, and she whipped her head around. I saw the panic in her eyes, and her bottom lip was quivering. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked over to her and bent down in front of her. She through herself into my arms and sobbed. "Shhh," I whispered while rubbing my hand up and down her back. "What happened?"

"I c-couldn't find y-you," Emma said softly between sobs. "I thought you left me," she finished and hugged me tighter. Guilt washed over me.

"No no no no, I could never leave you. I'm so sorry."

She looked up at me with red puffy eyes. "I just got scared, Demi," she whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd wake up so soon," I said, holding her hand as we walked back to the couch. "Do you still feel sick?" I asked, putting my hand on her forehead. She shrugged her shoulders. I took the thermometer off the in-table, and put it in Emma's mouth. After a while, I took it back out. "Still at 100 degrees, but we're getting lower."

"What's it supposed to be?"

"Around 98."

"Oh," Emma said with disappointment.

"But you'll be better soon, I promise." She smiled at my words. "Hungry? You skipped breakfast." I said. She shook her head. "Please?"

"Demi, I'll throw up," she argued back.

"No, the doctor gave me some medicine that will help you not throw up."

"How does it do that?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea, but it helps."

"Okay," Emma said, finally giving in. I warmed up some soup from yesterday and brought it to her. She ate it without a problem. We watched TV together.

I took a picture of us snuggled on the couch together and posted it with Still sick, but getting better! 

"Demi, what were you doing outside?" Emma asked. I smiled down at her before answering.

Short, sorry! Happy New Year!

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