Chapter 29

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Demi's POV

We spent all day riding rides. Well, waiting in line longer than the actual ride, but everyone was still having a blast. I loved seeing my baby have fun. Maddie was really good with Emma, laughing and joking around with her. They always sat next to each other on rides. On the bigger ones, though, Emma sat with me. After a long day of playing, we headed back to the castle. We all settled in our beds for a long nap, we were so tired. I woke everyone up in time for dinner. All six of us wore casual dresses. I held Emma's hand as we made it to the dining room. It was so elegant, in a somehow magical way. Emma loved it. Of course, she ordered chicken strips for dinner. Maddie did also, and she was excited to have someone who shared her love for chicken strips. I watched Emma the entire time. I loved seeing her like this. It was the happiest she had ever been. Her smile was the biggest I had ever seen on her. Her eyes lit up with everything she saw. I was so happy for her.


"Mommy, I'm tired," Emma said with a big yawn.

"I know, I think we all are," I said as I looked at everyone. They were like zombies walking down the hall to our room. Once the door was open, everyone walked to their beds and collapsed, not bothering to change clothes. We just crawled into bed and fell asleep right there.


"Mommy," I heard a whisper. I opened one eye to see a pale Emma right in front of me.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked in a whisper as I shifted to my side and put my hand of her forehead. She was burning up!

"I don't feel good," she said. She crawled under my blankets and snuggled into me. Soon, she came from under the covers, but still cuddled into me. She must be so hot. I kissed her forehead and waited for her to fall asleep.


The next morning, I had a difficult time waking up. She was so tired tired, and I could tell she had a high fever. "She doesn't look too great, Demi," Dallas said.

"I know," I replied nervously.

"I think you should take her home," my mom suggested.

"But we just got here," Emma said in a weak voice.

"I know baby, but you're really sick."

"But I just got done with being sick."

"So we need to se why you're sick again." I turned towards my family, Selena included. "Y'all should stay, have fun. I can take care of Emma."

"I don't think that's fair to Emma," Maddie said.

"Don't go home because of me," Emma chocked out. "I would feel bad about that."

"Yeah, you guys enjoy yourselves. I'll send updates," I said. Eventually, everyone agreed. Selena kissed Emma's forehead.

"Bye, kiddo. It won't be the same without you. We'll bring you something back," Selena said, and everyone nodded. I carried Emma's limp body to the front and called cab.

"Gone so soon?" An overly high-pitched voice asked. I turned my head.

"Emma, look who it is!" I said

"Cinderella!" Emma cheered, yet still weak.

"Looks like someone's not feeling good," the lady spoke again. "I'll let my fairygod mother know, so she can send you big hugs and kisses to make it feel better, okay?" Emma nodded with a smile on her face. "Good bye, princess," she said while putting a tiny tiara on her head.

"Thanks," Emma said as the car pulled up. I scooted Emma in, then got myself in.

"To the nearest hospital, please."

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