Chapter 3

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Demi's POV

I pressed my ear up to Emma's door to hear soft, muffled whimpers. I knocked, but there was no answer. "Emma?" I asked softly as I creaked her door open. There were four beds, and she was on the one farthest from the door. She looked up at me with a red face and puffy eyes, then slid down to the other side of the bed where I couldn't see her. I slowly made my way to where she was and sat up against the bed next to her. "Emma?" I asked again, but she didn't respond. I put my hand softly on her shoulder, and she flinched.

"I'm sorry I was rude," she whispered through sniffles.

"Don't be sorry, sweetie. It's okay."

"Why are you with me?" She whispered. "You'd like other girls here better."

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"They don't have problems." My heart sank at her words. How many times had she been told she had problems?

"Emma, those girls are rude, not you. And I want to help. Do you want to live with me?" She looked up at me, and I stared into her beautiful eyes, which were full of fear and hurt. I placed my hand on her knee, and she slightly flinched. I stood up and walked down to Ms. Abby's office. "Can I adopt Emma?" I asked. I could tell she was getting worried.

"I don't know if-"

"She's not going to get any better without a proper home. Yes, you take care of her, but you are also responsible for all these other girls. Please, I want to adopt Emma." I begged.

"I just don't want her getting hurt."

"I will take care of her and give her the love and attention she deserves. I promise." I really did mean it in my heart.

She took a deep breath, and then smiled. She started getting all the paper work out for me, and I signed what was necessary. I had an overly joyful feeling. In three weeks, Emma would be my little girl.

Emma's POV

Three weeks had passed since Demi came and talked to me. I was surprised that she went through with my adoption. She seems really nice, but I don't know how I'm going to handle the big change. I was really scared. What if Demi wasn't all that she seemed? What if she ended up being like one of these other girls? What if she was like my dad? What if her family or friends didn't like me? All these worries were flooding my mind as I laid in bed the morning she was picking me up. I heard a knock on my door. "Emma! What are you still doing in bed? Ms. Demi's going to be here in half an hour." Ms. Abby said concerned.

I sat up and huffed. "I don't know if this is such a good idea." I said. Her face softened with worry, and she sat next to me on my bed. "What if she doesn't like me?"

"Why wouldn't she like you?"

"Because most people don't," I said looking down at my hands in my lap.

"That's because you haven't met a lot of people. I like you." She said

"But that's different. You get paid to like me." I could tell she was taken back by my words.

"Emma," she started. "I like you because you are a sweet little girl, not because I have to. I get paid to take care of all these girls, but that doesn't mean I like all of them."

I looked up at her with a small smirk. "Do you like Samantha?" I whispered. She looked down at me with a smile.

"That is none of your business." At that, I knew her answer. "Now get up, get dressed, get ready to go. I have a piece of peanut butter toast with your name on it down stairs. Do you have everything packed?"

"Almost." She left the room and I started changing. A little while later, I heard Demi come through the door.

"Emma!" I heard Ms. Abby yell from downstairs. I grabbed my suitcase and slowly walked down the stairs. I peeked my head around the corner where Ms. Abby and Demi were waiting.

Demi looked at me. "Hi, sweetie." I gave her a small smile, just to be polite. I slowly walked over to Ms. Abby, who put her hand softly on my back. "Ready to go?" Demi asked. she reached out her hand, and I backed away from it.

"Emma," Ms. Abby said softly.

"It's okay," Demi said to me. "Can I take your suitcase?" I hesitantly gave her my suitcase, and she took it with her left hand, and held out her right hand, waiting for me to take it. I stared at it for a long time, and Ms. Abby nudged me. I looked up at Ms. Abby, and she gave me a big hug. I hugged as tightly as she did, and she kissed the side of my head.

"Bye, Kiddo. I'm gonna miss you." Then she looked at Demi. "E-mail me updates?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course," Demi responded, her hand still waiting for me to grab. Sure enough, I brought my shaking hand up to hers and gently grabbed it. I don't know why I was shaking so much. Demi looked down at me and smiled. She was beautiful.

Demi's POV

As I waited for Emma to take my hand, I could tell she was shaking. She said her goodbyes to Ms. Abby, and I promised to send updates. She put her small hand in mine, and we started walking to my car. She crawled into the backseat and buckled herself in. I closed her door and sat down in my drivers seat. The whole ride, she was silent. "Want some music?" I asked. She looked at me through my rear view mirror and shrugged. I turned my radio on and hummed along to the songs as we made our long ride home. somewhere in the middle of the ride, she dozed off. I pulled into my driveway and noticed she was asleep. I placed my hand on her knee and she gasped as she woke up. Wow, she was a light sleeper. "We're here!" I cheered. I got out and opened her door as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She stepped out of the car and stared at the big building in awe. "The whole thing isn't mine, I-we have a suit." I almost forgot that I won't be alone anymore. "our suit is still pretty big." I told her as she turned to look at me. I grabbed her suitcase with one hand and with my other I gently took her hand.

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