Chapter 14

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Demi's POV

I woke up about an hour later, and just in time to start getting ready for what was next on my to do list, which was a meet and greet I had scheduled a few weeks ago. It was a last minute decision, but fans bought passes anyway. I looked over at Emma, who was sleeping with a twisted look on her face. Her eyes were squinted and her nose was scrunched up. I softly put my hand on her shoulder, which caused her to flinch and wake up. Sometimes, she was a very light sleeper. "Are you okay? You looked like you were dreaming about something." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" She nodded her head and gave me a small smile. I didn't want to push too far. "Okay, well we have to get ready to go meet some people."


"Fans." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Why don't you take a shower, then I will, okay?" She nodded and stood up, heading towards the bathroom. About ten minutes later, she poked her head out of the door.

"Demi, I have no clothes," she whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back to her as I handed her the outfit I had laid out on her bed.

"Because I don't want anyone to hear. This is personal business." She said, still whispering, with her eyebrows furrowed. I laughed at her seriousness, and she let out a giggle as well. She came back out in her jeans and shirt with her hair still dripping wet. I grabbed a towel and dried it out the best I could before jumping into the shower myself.

"Yell if you need anything, okay?" She nodded and sat down on the bed. I knew she was going to start drawing again. I had never been able to look at one of her drawings closely. She keeps her book well hidden most of the time. I took a quick shower and popped my head out of the door. "Emma, I don't have any clothes," I whispered, mocking her. She grinned at me and stood up. "They're on my bed," I said, pointing to my outfit that I laid out for myself. She grabbed them and handed them to me. "Thanks," I whispered before quickly closing the bathroom door again. I heard her giggle, which made me smile hugely. I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel rapped around my hair. "Do you want me to braid your hair?" I asked Emma. She nodded her head and dug out her brush and a ponytail holder. She loved having her hair in a french braid. I finished her hair before putting my own in a bun. My hair dresser could do it so much better, but mine didn't look too bad. "Alright, ready to go?" Emma nodded and followed me out of the hotel room. We walked hand in hand out to where a taxi was already waiting for us. She crawled in, and I followed. She didn't have her booster seat that she's supposed to have, but I figured she'd be okay throughout our trip. We got to the building where the meet and greet was, and most of people were already waiting outside. There were only thirty tickets available, so there weren't too many people I had the driver take us to the back of the building so Emma wouldn't be too overwhelmed. The doors open, and the line started coming into the room. Emma sat down on a chair next to me, and moved closer as the group of people came towards us. Since it was a really small meet and greet, I spent more time with each person than I usually do. The first fan came up, and I could tell this teenage girl was nervous. I signed a poster that everyone received with their tickets, and she got Emma to sign it too. Then she took a picture with both of us. Now, everyone wanted both mine and Emma's signature and picture. I took a picture of her signing a poster, and made a mental note to post it later. After the last person had left, I looked down at my little smiling daughter. "Was that fun?"

She nodded. "They were nice," she said.

"I know. I have the best fans ever, right?" She nodded again. "The rest of the day is free. What do you want to do?" She shrugged. "We're in California, so it's definitely warm enough to swim. The hotel has a pool. Want to go?" She smiled and nodded. Then it occurred to me; I never bought her a bathing suit. "Well, we have to go buy you a swim suit, then. Come on." I took her hand and we walked out of the building and to another taxi. The driver took us to a shopping center, and we got off. We walked into the first children's clothing store we saw, and I started looking through the swimsuits. I picked up a cute bikini and showed it to her. "Do you like this?" She grabbed the bottoms.

"Is this underwear?" She asked with a confused face. I giggled and put it back. I saw one with boy-shorts and a crock top and took it off the rack.

"How about this?" I asked. She looked and her face turned pale. She shook her head quickly and shrank back. I put it back and bent down in front of her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like it," she said and her voice cracked.

"That's okay if you don't like it. I' not going to force you to wear something you don't like. Why were you so scared of it?" She shook her head, and I decided to leave it until we got back to our own room. "You pick something out, then, okay?" I said while pushing a loose string of hair behind her ear. Sh nodded and looked around. she stayed by the one pieces, and picked one up. It was blue with pink ruffles at the bottom. "If you like it, we'll get it." She smiled and nodded. "Okay. That's the one!" I cheered. I searched through them and found one in her size, then we walked hand in hand to the check out.

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